- This kata is not about developing an hexagonal architecture
- The architecture is already delivered
- This kata is about experiencing the benefits of the architecture
- Concepts as flash cards
- RSVP and flipped classroom
- Developed with Marp
Implementar validación:
- afecta a puertos y adaptadores
- ver qué al refactorizarla no hay que cambiar test
Implementar nueva feature: la división
- no afecta adaptadores
Implementar autenticación web
- afecta solo a adaptador web
- evolve web adapter without developing new features
- develop new features
- check that automatically exposed throw ports, without adding new lines to adapters
- web framework only in one file, console framework only in one file
- test logic without testing delivery mechanism
- test delivery mechanism without testing logic
- add error management
- add web auth
- add persistence repo (secondary port)