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INVENTA: Prioritization of natural extracts for chemical originality discovery


Inventa calculates multiple scores that estimate the structural novelty potential of the natural extracts. It has the potential to accelerate the discovery of new natural produts.

The rank comes from the addition of four individual components:

The Feature Component (FC) is a ratio of the number of specific non-annotated features over the total number of features of each extract. For example, an FC of ‘0.6’ implies that 60% of the total features in a given extract are specific within the extract set and do not present structural annotations.

The Literature Component (LC) is a score based on the number of compounds reported in the literature for the taxon of a given extract. It is independent of the spectral data. For example, an LC value of 1 indicates no reported compounds for the considered taxon. From this initial value (‘1’), fractions (ratio of reported compounds over the user-defined maximum value of reported compounds) are subtracted. The first fraction is related to compounds found in the species, the second one to those found in the genus, and the third one in the family.

The Class Component (CC) indicates if an unreported chemical class is detected in a given extract compared to those reported in the species and the genus. A CC value of 1 implies that the chemical class is new to both the species (CCs 0.5) and the genus (CCg 0.5).

The Similarity Component (SC) is a complementary score that compares extracts based on their general MS2 spectral information independently from the feature alignment used in FC, using the MEMO metric. This metric generates a matrix containing all the MS2 information in the form of peaks and neutral losses without annotations. The matrix is mined through multiple outlier detection machine learning algorithms to highlight spectrally dissimilar extracts (outliers). An SC value of ‘1’ implies the extract is classified as an outlier within the extract set studied.

The combined score (addition of the four components) can be modulated according to the user preference. The output consists of .tsv file with all the information generated along with the final rank of the samples.


A) Running inventa with Binder:

Binder allows to run inventa on the cloud with a Binder instance, which is convenient but you need to save the parameters and results locally as these instances are shutting down after 15 min of inactivity.

-> Binder

<- this may take several minutes to build Jupyter assets ... please wait.

How to use Binder?

  • All the necessary tables described below can be 'drag & drop' in the folder data directly in the browser, you'll find the folder on the left side.
  • The output can be found in the folder results as a TAB separated file.
  • If needed, you can modify the jupyter notebook directly in the browser (make sure to save it locally).
  • As explained below, if needed, you can modify the parameters inside src/, this can be done as well directly in the browser.

B) Running inventa locally:

Install the conda environment

First, make sure to have anaconda installed.

Clone the repo locally

First clone the repository using git clone in the command line. You may need to install the git package (see here):

git clone

Create a new conda environment to avoid clashes:

conda env create -n inventa -f inventa/environment.yml

Then, activate the environment:

conda activate inventa

If you need to update the environment run: [make sure to run the following to keep the dependencies versions]

conda env update --file environment.yml

and also the submodules

git pull --recurse-submodules

If you have an error, try installing scikit-bio from conda-forge before creating the environment:

conda install -c conda-forge scikit-bio


To run the repository the minimum inputs needed are:

  • GNPS job
  • Metadata table (the same used for the FBMN)
  • Quantification table (out of MZmine 2 or MZmine 3, remember to specify if Ion Identity is used)

This will run at least the Feature component (FC).

Optionally, the following inputs can be added:

  • Annotations files (ISDB and/or SIRIUS)
  • Canopus file (chemical taxonomy)
  • Vectorized dissimilarity matrix file (MEMO)

Where to start?

1. Check the inputs

1.1 Metadata table:

The standard format from GNPS is preferred:

metadata_filename: GNPS format (

While creating the 'metadata' there are some MANDATORY headers:

1.2 Feature quantitative table:

quantitative_data_filename: MZmine output format using only the 'Peak area', 'row m/z', and 'row retention time' columns.

  • if you prefer 'Peak Height', go to src/ and change it inside the function quand_table(). ONLY ONE of the columns is considered at the time, 'Peak height' or 'Peak area', if you want to consider both they must be done one at a time.

  • if you did export any other column, like identities, etc, please remove manually or add the corresponding lines in the funcion quand_table(), df.drop('name of the colum', axis=1, inplace=True).

  • Usually, there are columns with the header 'Unkown: number' at the very end of the quantitative table, the scrip takes care of these columns, you do not need to erase them

1.3 Weighted and complemented in silico annotation using spectral_lib_matcher + timaR:

tima_results_filename: timaR weighted final fie.

1.4 Chemical taxonomy results:

canopus_npc_summary_filename: Sirius CANOPUS recomputated output format.

This output needs an additional step after running Sirius, please follow the next instructions:

        from canopus import Canopus
        C = Canopus(sirius="sirius_projectspace")
  • the output canopus_npc_summary.tsv corresponds to the file needed for running Inventa

  • given that LOTUS ( uses the NPClassifier taxonomy and Sirius uses the Classyfire ontology, performing this step is necessary for a proper comparison of the proposed chemical classes.

1.5 Annotation with Sirius:

sirius_annotations_filename: Sirius annotations output format. Containing Zodiac and Cosmic results (

  • this file should correspond to compound_identification.tsv
  • make sure the Zodiac and Cosmic scores are present ().

1.6 Memo dissimilarity matrix:

vectorized_data_filename: MEMO package format (

[Examples of all these inputs can be found in /format_examples]

2. Open the notebook 'inventa'

Set the parameters according to your inputs and needs:

2.1 paths

Each path corresponds to the files mentioned above. Just drop your files in the /data folder and change the names accordingly:

metadata_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_Set_metadata_pos.tsv'
quantitative_data_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_pos_quant.csv'
tima_results_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_pos_spectral_match_results_repond.tsv'
vectorized_data_filename = '../data/Celastraceae_memomatrix.csv'
canopus_npc_summary_filename = '../data/canopus_npc_summary.tsv'
sirius_annotations_filename = '../data/canopus_npc_summary.tsv'

#GNPS job id

job_id= "yourjobidgoeshere"  #for example: job_id="4c919fcbc83d487493a487012afb920a"

2.2 Parameters

2.2.1 For cleaning-up annotations from GNPS

ppm_error = 5                     # min error in ppm to consider an annotation valable
shared_peaks = 10                 # min number of shared peaks between the MS2 experimental and MS2 fro, the database, to consider an annotation valable
cosine = 0.7                      # min cosine score to consider an annotation valable
ionisation_mode = 'pos'           # ionisation mode according to experimental conditions

2.2.1 Feature_component

min_specificity = 90               # minimun feature specificity to consider
only_feature_specificity = False   # True if annotations should be ignored and the FC should be calculated based on the features specificity. If False it will compute both The Sample specificity and the FC

#inputs to use:

isbd_annotations = True             # True: the tima_results_filename will be considered in the calculations
sirius_annotations = True           #True: the sirius_annotations_filename will be considered in the calculations


min_score_final = 0.0               #cut-off filter for considering an isdb annotation valable. You must be extremenly carefull with this parameter, '0.0' as default.
min_ZodiacScore = 0.9               #cut-off filter for considering a sirius annotation valable. It is used in combination with min_ConfidenceScore.
min_ConfidenceScore = 0.0           #cut-off filter for considering a sirius annotation valable. '0.0' as default.


only_ms2_annotations = False       # False to considere both, MS1 & MS2 annotations, False will only considerer MS2 annotations
annotation_preference = 0          # Only Annotated nodes: '1'
                                   # Only Not annotated: '0'

2.2.2 Literature_component

LC_component = True                # LC will be calculated
max_comp_reported = 40             # more than this value, the plant is considered no interesting LC =0
min_comp_reported = 10             # less than this value, the plant is consireded very interesintg LC =1
                                   # a sample with x between both values gets a LC=0.5

2.2.3 Similarity_component

SC_component = True                # SC will be calculated

2.2.4 Class_component

CC_component = True                # CC will be calculated
min_recurrence = 10                # minimun recurrence of a chemical class to considered it valable.

2.2.5 specify the weights to modulate each component

w1 = 1           # 1 means the value itself is taken into account. A 0.5 means onle half of the calculated value is taken into account
w2 = 1
w3 = 1
w4 = 1

3. Run the notebook 'inventa' and ENJOY!