The redis support for Toshihiko as an addon.
$ npm install toshihiko-redis
When you define a Toshihiko, you could pass the object into cache
var T = require("toshihiko");
var toshihiko = new T.Toshihiko("database", "username", "", {
cache: {
name: "redis",
servers: "localhost:6379",
options: { prefix: "_" }
must beredis
and then Toshihiko will search for the packagetoshihiko-redis
may be a string for the server addresses.
Otherwise, you may create this object by yourself and pass the created object into cached:
var Redis = require("toshihiko-redis");
var object = Redis.create(SERVRES, OPTIONS);
var toshihiko = new T.Toshihiko(DATABASE, USERNAME, PASSWORD, {
cache: object
var Redis = require("toshihiko-redis");
var object = new Redis(SERVRES, OPTIONS);
var toshihiko = new T.Toshihiko(DATABASE, USERNAME, PASSWORD, {
cache: object
use dubug lib