Comprises a backend application using multiple skills such as:
- Creating the Django project structure
- Implementing views, templates, and routing
- Managing static files
Use Django to serve static HTML content:
- Utilizing Django templating engine
- Handling static files and assets
You can test the application using this endpoints:
/api-token-auth/ (for Insomnia POST Request)
Connecting the backend to the database:
- Setting up database configurations in Django
- Establishing a connection with MySQL
Implementing the menu and table booking APIs:
- Defining Django models
- Building APIs with Django Rest Framework
- Integrating database models into APIs
Setting up user registration and authentication:
- Configuring Django authentication system
- Creating user registration, login, and logout functionalities
Testing the application with unit tests and Insomnia:
- Writing unit tests for Django applications
- Using Insomnia REST client to test API endpoints
- Ensuring application security through testing
Use the package manager pip to install foobar.
git clone
pipenv install Django
pipenv shell
pipenv install sqlclient
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.