Bookbot is a program written in python which takes in a large text file, reads it and outputs the following information about it:
- Count the total amount of words
- Count the total amount of letters
- Count the individual amount each letter is repeated
- Download and run the file
- Make sure your text is stored in a file, this program does not support direct copy-pasted information
- Chose between typing the path to your text file manually or browsing your files*
- Enjoy your statistics!
*Note that if you chose to manually type your file's path, you may copy-paste it from your file explorer but you will need to add the file's name manually.
ie: D:\documents\books - wrong
D:\documents\books\my_book.txt - correct
This program requires python 3.0 or higher to function. Additionally, it uses os and tkinter, both of which are part of Python's standard library and require no additional installation.
This project was created with guidance from the course "Build a Bookbot".