Simple project to teach Javascript.
With this project is possible to teach about:
Junction between object-oriented and functional paradigm to solve problems.
MVC architecture.
Application of new features of Ecmascript 6.
Proxy, Factory and Module Pattern.
promises and call back functions.
Data binding.
Data Storing with IndexedDB.
Fettch API.
Auto invoked function.
Babel to manage compatibilities, SystemJS to manage modules and use of poliffils.
and so on.
The project contains 3 tags:
In the V1.0.0 tag contains from one to six learnings listed in the topics above.
In V2.0.0 tag contains from seven to nine and a little of the tenth item.
In V3.0.0 tag contains the tenth item from list.
The master bracnh contains the v1 and v2 tags