#Flutter Test Bluebenx
#You have to do an application with Flutter.
#Your application must be a list requested with ENDPOINT: https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/markets?vs_currency=usd&order=market_cap_desc&price_change_percentage=24h,30d,200d,1y&sparkline=false&per_page=250&page=1
#Your application must list your token fixed on header. ENDPOINT: https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/markets?vs_currency=usd&order=market_cap_desc&price_change_percentage=24h,30d,200d,1y&sparkline=false&per_page=250&page=1&ids=bluebenx
#Refresh apis on screen each 15 seconds
#Also your application need a simple login page. Use a REAL login (NOT PUT INTO CODE). (Put Email and Password on README). You can use Firebase Authentication.
#After you finish your test, publish in GitHub end send us a link by email.
#Use Bloc with Freezed following the Clean Architecture.
#Don't forget to put image of your app on README.
#Note: All aspects of your app will be analyzed, since readme until design.
#Good luck and Good code!
email: [email protected]
password: <123456>