Tags: lucasdietrich/AVRTOS
Final changes before release 1.0.0 - Fix piogen.py and regenerate platform.ini - Introduce an inline API for gpio drivers named "gpiol". - Add sample to be used with a button - Introduce CONFIG_KERNEL_SILENT_FAULTS - Introduce __fault_hook for debug purposes - Add samples for Arduino - Introduce function serial_init_baud() - Introduce led_get() - Introduce k_thread_set_priority() - Introduce CONFIG_SERIAL_USART_BAUDRATE - Add script to automatically generate Arduino samples for PIO ones - Add philosopher example for arduino - Add guards to prevent user to call k_yield_* from k_event or k_timer handlers. - Add CONFIG_KERNEL_SYSCLOCK_PERIOD_US and CONFIG_KERNEL_TIME_SLICE_US to arduino configuration - Add support for GPIO debug of kernel - Introduce new asserts - Shorten assertion failed message - Update readme.md - Remove .editorconfig - Improve Makefile - Add requirements.txt - Remove old arduino sample