This is a fifa 2018 betting game developped using meteor/react/bootstrap. It is based on
Concepts used in this app:
- Team - a team participating to the world cup
- Match - a real match that occurred, the result of the match contribute to the score of the team
- Selection - each player create up to 3 selections made of teams, the score of the selection is the total of the scores of the teams that make it
The UI react components are the following:
- App
- Topbar
- Welcome
- Auth:
- Login
- Register
- Users (admin only)
- User list
- Game state (admin only)
- All selections
- Your selections:
- Selection list/ranking
- New selection
- Matches
- Match list
- New match
- Edit match
- Team list
Improvement ideas:
- add support for reset password
- ask confirmation before deleting a selection