TL;DR: Cold analysis (disconnected) of HPC Scheduler accounting file (currently SGE only).
Status : Prototype. Work in Progress. It display charts! (thanks to Fleura29)
Usable with Flask directly, or mod_wsgi-express, for now.
Offer a 'graphical' analysis tool (charts) to admins and users of our clusters. Multiple filter possibilities (see § Charts). Inspired by S-GAE2 (from rdlab, Barcelona University).
Accounting files, over several years, become (very) heavy, and difficult to query (4.4GiB 2011-2017, already 4.8GiB for 2018-2020).
Injecting their content into a middleware/datawarehouse
to crush the data in all directions becomes relevant.
- Web (python3? R-shiny? -> Flask),
- At first: "No authentication", at least, not related to accounting: A DR can look at the accounting of his doctoral students or his group, a Correspondent must be able to look at the accounting of the lab(s) for which he is responsible, etc.
- Easy to use : Select, display, Boom!.
- As fast as possible...
Choix final :
- frontend : python3/html/js (Flask)
Piecharts, plotted dots, barcharts...
- By calendar year, or by period (start date, end date), over the entire available data:
total executed jobs
total executed hours
average job memory usage
average job execution time
average job queued time (wait, start - submission)
by user, group, metagroup (group of groups or users):
- total executed jobs
- total executed hours
- average job memory usage
- average job execution time
- average job queued time (wait, start - submission)
- duration (min, max, med, avg) of jobs
- cpu vs system? (I/O ? ratio % ?)
- ram (avg, max)
We understood the principle, but in doubt, and so as not to forget (always on the basis of a period of time):
by cluster(s), waiting queue(s), nodes :
- total executed jobs
- total executed hours
- average job memory usage
- average job execution time
- average job queued time
- duration (min, max, med, avg) of jobs
- cpu vs system? (I/O ? ratio % ?)
- ram (avg, max)
Top 10:
- users
- group(s)
- métagroup(s)?
Inverted Top 10: (least used)?
- queue(s)
- node(s)
Others: (TODO)
- by projets (SGE projects or groups):
- total executed jobs
- total executed hours
- average job memory usage
- average job execution time
- average job queued time
- etc.
- slots-per-job usage (nb of slots/job : sequential, // mononode (as OpenMP), // multinode (as openMPI))
- leave the door open to frightening possibilities of mixtures...
- by projets (SGE projects or groups):
Python3 (parceque je comprends plus rien au php). Un exemple de ce qui était fait dans
(voir aussi SGE toolbox).
Regarder aussi les outils d'analyse de log ? Malgré sa structure chelou,
l'accounting EST un fichier de log (ou un CSV, aussi). Voir SGE_accounting_file_format.rst
Pandas ? (csv, delimiter=':') timeseries.
Un QueryLangage quelconque : SQL (S-GAE2 mouline tout dans du SQL) ? NoSQL ? SQLite ?
Schéma(s) -> voir (mindmap, freeplane) et model.gaphor (gaphor)
accounting -> python3 -> format intermédiaire -> query -> présentation (graphs)
Final Choice:
- backoffice : flask (python3) + psycopg2 (SQL)
requirements: flask flask_wtf wtforms pandas psycopg2 (see requirements.txt)
- datawarehouse : SQL (postgresql)
À part les dates (*_time), rien n'est unique :
- un même $JOB_ID (job_number) peut être présent plusieurs fois dans le fichier (SGE est limité à max_jobs, et réalise une rotation)
- un même login (owner) peut être présent dans plusieurs groupes (variations sur de longues périodes)
- queue_name, hostname et appartenance d'un hostname à une ou plusieurs queue_name peuvent être déduite de l'accounting
- same pour owner et group
- SGE ne fait pas de rotation du fichier d'accounting : Un même fichier d'accounting pourra donc être parcouru plusieurs fois
SGE accounting file : /var/lib/gridengine/default/common/accounting (fichier cumulatif)
qacct : Utilitaire SGE d'interrogation du fichier d'accounting
métagroupe : groupe regroupant plusieurs disciplines aux usages comparables :
- chimistes, astro-chimistes, géo-chimistes, bio-chimistes,
- physiciens, astro-physiciens, géo-physiciens, bio-physiciens,
- mécaflu, multiphysique, thermie/acoustique,
- workflow génomiques (fonctionnelle, cellulaire, plantes, virus/bactéries),
- IA, apprentissage(s) profond, accélération GPU,
- etc.