ElegantFin Theme v25.01.03 for Jellyfin
This is the fifth update to ElegantFin.
Key Changes
- Mini play buttons to play the media directly from item cards are back with a refreshed style
- Desktop users will notice a more dynamic hover animation on item cards
- Backdrops do not flicker anymore when entering the media page
- The loading spinner has been refreshed
- Progress bars in Dashboard have been updated to match the overall theme aesthetic
- Updated the appearance of right arrows in media section headings; they are actually arrows now rather than carets
- The 'Up Next' notification has a more polished appearance now
- Added colored outline to input boxes when in focus, especially useful in TV layout
- Checkboxes have been revamped with fixes to their focus states particularly useful in TV layout
- Active device cards in Dashboard would no longer display an empty progress bar when no media is playing
- Improved the appearance of items in episode lists with adjustments to padding and button layout
- Themed more elements (i.e. borders and tables in Networking and Activity sections, list icons and buttons)
- Updated the styles of notification icons in Dashboard (i.e. alerts have red icons again)
- Item selection checkboxes on Poster Cards and Thumb Cards should have the correct height now
- Jelly Media Player should not have major layout inconsistencies anymore (i.e. overlapping buttons and text)
- Back button does not show clipping when selected in TV layout
- Updated the text colors in the media page sections subtly for a better design hierarchy
- Reworked border styling on cards to prevent aliasing around the edges, particularly noticeable on low-medium DPI displays
- Improved layout and styling to cover more screen sizes and orientations (i.e. Library cards, Media page, My Media (Small) buttons)
- Updated the Continue Watching section's progress bar color for better visibility
- Center aligned the headings in some dialog boxes
- Tagline is in italics, again
- Reduced the seekbar tooltips to a more normal the size (i.e. OSD controls)
- More elements have rounded corners now (i.e. subtitles preview, playback statistics)
- Scroll buttons were repositioned in the My Media section on the home screen to avoid being too close to the cards
Special thanks to the following contributors for their invaluable contributions to this update:
Code Contributors: Travis Lane, KeyboardDabbler
Bug Reporters: Wernouxe, celticslment, donchi40, COxDE and many others
You can view the full commit history here.
You may use the provided CSS file for self-hosting purposes. Alternatively, you may use the following code snippet to get the latest version via a free CDN.
@import url("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lscambo13/ElegantFin@main/Theme/ElegantFin-jellyfin-theme-build-latest-minified.css");
For more detailed information, be sure to read the README.md file.