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LÖVE 11.0 [Mysterious Mysteries]

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@slime73 slime73 released this 12 Jan 18:06

Released: 2018-04-01


* Added Object:release.
* Added Data:clone.
* Added queueable audio sources.
* Added audio input support.
* Added Source filters: low gain, high gain and band pass.
* Added audio effect APIs (reverb, echo, etc.)
* Added variants of SoundData:getSample/setSample which take a channel parameter.
* Added variants of all table-with-fields-returning get* functions, the new variants take an existing table to fill in.
* Added a variant to World:update, which accepts the number of iterations to run. The defaults are now 8 and 3.
* Added Body:isTouching.
* Added RopeJoint:setMaxLength.
* Added a click count argument to love.mousepressed and love.mousereleased.
* Added variants of love.filesystem.mount which accept a Data or FileData object containing zipped data.
* Added love.filesystem.get/setCRequirePath, and use that to find c libraries for require.
* Added variants of File:read and which take an enum to determine whether they return a FileData or a string.
* Added module. It includes hex/base64 encoding functions, MD5 and SHA hashing, string packing, compression APIs, and more.
* Added Channel:hasRead, which checks if a message has been read. Takes an id, which Channel:push will now return.
* Added variants of Channel:demand and Channel:supply which take a timeout argument.
* Added Transform objects to love.math.
* Added support for different ImageData formats, including RGBA8 (the default), RGBA16, RGBA16F, and RGBA32F.
* Added the ability to load Radiance HDR, OpenEXR, and 16 bit PNG images.
* Added (replaces
* Added the ability to specify a per-object pixel density scale factor when creating Images, Canvases, Fonts, and Videos. Affects drawing.
* Added Texture:getPixelWidth/Height and
* Added Texture:getPixelDensity,, and Font:getPixelDensity.
* Added Texture:getMipmapCount, getFormat, getLayerCount, getDepth, and getTextureType.
* Added Array, Cubemap, and Volume texture types and corresponding Image and Canvas APIs.
* Added, returns a table with fields indicating support for each texture type.
* Added mipmapping support to Canvases, including both auto-generated mipmaps and manually rendering to a specific mipmap level.
* Added 'stencil8', 'depth24stencil8', 'depth32fstencil8', 'depth16', 'depth24', and 'depth32f' pixel formats for Canvases.
* Added variant of which accepts a table of settings.
* Added optional 'readable' boolean field to the table passed into
* Added optional 'depthstencil' field to the table passed into, for using a depth/stencil Canvas.
* Added optional 'depth' and 'stencil' boolean fields to the table passed into setCanvas, for enabling depth and stencil buffers if 'depthstencil' isn't used.
* Added shadow sampler support for Canvases.
* Added for using the depth buffer for depth testing/writes. Depth values of rendered objects can only be set via shaders.
* Added, for culling back- or front-facing triangles when drawing a Mesh.
* Added
* Added variant of which takes a 'readable' boolean.
* Added and SpriteBatch:add/setLayer for easily drawing layers of Array Textures.
* Added variants of and printf which take a Font argument.
* Added variants of to control how the active depth and stencil buffers are cleared.
* Added and
* Added and
* Added
* Added for manually flushing automatically batched draws.
* Added SpriteBatch:setDrawRange.
* Added per-shader opt in support for the GLSL 3.30 and GLSL ES 3.00 shading languages.
* Added 'void effect()' pixel shader entry point.
* Added
* Added Shader:hasUniform.
* Added support for non-square shader uniform matrices on desktop platforms and on mobile GLSL 3.
* Added Shader:send(matrixname, is_column_major, matrix, ...) which specifies how to interpret the matrix table arguments.
* Added Shader:send variants which accept a Data object.
* Added 'borderellipse' and 'borderrectangle' ParticleSystem distributions.
* Added variant of ParticleSystem:setEmissionArea which accepts an area angle and a flag for whether particle directions are relative to the center of the area.
* Added ParticleSystem:set/getAreaSpreadAngle and set/getAreaSpreadIsRelativeDirection.
* Added (replaces
* Added 'glsl3', 'instancing', 'fullnpot','pixelshaderhighp', and 'shaderderivatives' graphics features.
* Added 'anisotropy' graphics limit.
* Added Mesh instancing support via and Mesh:attachAttribute.
* Added a Mesh:attachAttribute variant that takes a different target attribute name.
* Added Mesh:detachAttribute.
* Added a variant of Mesh:setVertexMap which accepts a Data object.
* Added love.window.updateMode.
* Added love.window.isMinimized.
* Added love.window.restore.
* Added the ability to prevent love from creating a stencil buffer for the window.
* Added cycle detection to Variant's table serialization, cycles now cause an error, rather than a stack overflow.
* Added File and FileData variants.
* Added a default love.threaderror callback, which raises the error in the main thread.
* Added checks for invalid constants passed to love.keyboard.isDown/isScancodeDown.
* Added deprecation warnings, on by default for non-fused games.
* Added love.filesystem.getInfo.
* Added 'drawcallsbatched' to
* Added support for header-less DEFLATE to

* Deprecated love.filesystem.exists / isFile / isDirectory / isSymlink / getLastModified / getSize (use getInfo instead).
* Deprecated love.math.compress / decompress (use / decompress instead).

* - All renamed APIs are formally deprecated rather than completely removed.
* Renamed love.window.getPixelScale to love.window.getDPIScale.
* Renamed love.mouse.hasCursor to love.mouse.isCursorSupported.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setAreaSpread to ParticleSystem:setEmissionArea.
* Renamed love.errhand to love.errorhandler.
* Renamed Source/SoundData/Decoder:getChannels to getChannelCount.
* Renamed PrismaticJoint/RevoluteJoint:hasLimitsEnabled to areLimitsEnabled.
* Renamed to
* Renamed all get[Object]List functions to get[Object]s.

* Removed the default source type for
* Removed variant of love.filesystem.newFileData which takes base64 data, use instead.
* Removed the no-argument variant of Text:set, use Text:clear instead.
* Removed, use instead.
* Removed the 'void effects(...)' pixel shader entry point. Use the new 'void effect()' instead.
* Removed Shader:getExternVariable, use Shader:hasUniform instead.
* Removed, use instead.
* Removed deprecated enet function host:socket_get_address.
* Removed functions deprecated in LÖVE 0.10.2:
  * Removed Shader:sendInt, Shader:sendBoolean, Shader:sentFloat, Shader:sendMatrix, and Shader:sendTexture (use Shader:send instead).
  * Removed love.window.isCreated (use love.window.isOpen instead).

* Improved performance when drawing textures, shapes, lines, and points by automatically batching their draw calls together when possible.
* Improved performance of Shader:send when the Shader is not active.
* Improved performance of love.math.randomNormal when LuaJIT's JIT compiler is enabled.
* Improved performance of love.filesystem.lines and File:lines, especially when reading from a file inside a zip/.love.

* Changed all color values to be in the range 0-1, rather than 0-255.
* Changed high-dpi functionality to require much less code (often none at all) for graphics to appear at the correct sizes and positions.
* Changed and friends to ignore carriage returns.
* Changed the 'multiply' blend mode to error if not used with the 'premultiplied' blend alpha mode, since the formula only works with that anyway.
* Changed some, love.window, and love.event APIs to cause an error if a Canvas is active.
* Changed stenciling functionality with a Canvas active to require stencil=true (or a custom stencil-formatted Canvas) to be set in setCanvas.
* Changed Mesh:setDrawRange to take 'start' and 'count' parameters instead of 'min' and 'max'.
* Changed the 'vsync' field of love.window.setMode and t.window in love.conf. It's now an integer with 0 disabling vsync.
* Changed the audio playback APIs drastically.
* Changed enet to no longer set the 'enet' global, again matching luasocket.
* Changed Source seeking behaviour, all kinds of Sources now behave similarly when seeking past the boundaries.
* Changed love.timer.step, it now returns dt.
* Changed and love.errhand to return a function for their main loop, which gets called until love quits.

* Updated and improved command line argument handling.
* Updated the boot sequence to show an error instead of the no-game screen, if a nonexistant folder is passed in as the source game directory.
* Updated 'love.exe --version' on Windows to print to the parent console.
* Updated Android print rerouting and JIT compilation disabling to apply inside threads.
* Updated invalid enum value error messages to show a list of the valid enum values.
* Updated Source:seek to work if the Source isn't playing.
* Updated love.event.poll to stop allocating memory unnecessarily.
* Updated love.math.random to have improved numeric distribution.
* Updated to support Core Profile OpenGL 3.3+ when available.
* Updated shaders to always expose derivative functions (dFdx, dFdy, fwidth) when available in OpenGL ES.
* Updated shaders to allow using VERTEX and PIXEL in shader code.
* Updated to take transformation scale into account when determining the number of segments to use.
* Updated Font glyph generation to improve antialiasing.
* Updated Canvas:newImageData to return an ImageData with a format that matches the Canvas' as closely as possible.
* Updated to treat file names ending with "@2x", "@3x", etc. as a pixel density scale factor if none is explicitly supplied.
* Updated the error message when bad values are given to
* Updated the maximum transformation/state stack depth from 64 to 128.
* Updated the default error handler to allow copying the error to the clipboard when the user decides to do so.
* Updated love.filesystem.setRequirePath to support multiple template '?' characters in each path.
* Updated luasocket to version 3.0rc1.
* Updated love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings so it doesn't error when given an empty string.
* Updated love.joystick.setGamepadMapping to use the controller's name for the new mapping when possible.

* Fixed error in default error handler when the error message contains non UTF-8 bytes.
* Fixed a memory leak when sending love objects to threads which never load that object's module.
* Fixed a memory leak in enet when peer:send fails.
* Fixed os.execute always returning -1 in Linux.
* Fixed the default reference angle for WeldJoint, PrismaticJoint, and RevoluteJoint.
* Fixed Fixture:getShape to reuse the existing internal Fixture-owned shape.
* Fixed MouseJoint:setFrequency to error instead of crashing if a frequency of 0 is set.
* Fixed love.system.set/getClipboardText to error instead of crashing, when a window hasn't been created.
* Fixed Joystick:getGamepadMapping to work with xinput controllers.
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping's replacement code.
* Fixed baseline calculation when rendering text.
* Fixed VaryingTexCoords and love_ScreenSize in shaders to be 'highp' in OpenGL ES, when supported.
* Fixed ParticleSystem:setParticleLifetime to error if a negative value is given.
* Fixed Shader:send and Shader:sendColor ignoring the last argument for an array.
* Fixed a crash when is called after a love.window.setMode while the transformation stack was not empty.
* Fixed love.window.isMaximized.
* Fixed video playback to work with a wider range of Ogg Theora files.
* Fixed video seeking to be faster.
* Fixed BezierCurves to error instead of hanging in some situations.
* Fixed compilation of luasocket with newer luajit 2.1.0 beta versions.