Instructions to follow to make everything work
- Project configuration 1.1. Run react-native init "AppName" 1.2. cd AppName 1.3. Run npm install react-native-admob 1.4. Run npm install react-native-google-signin 1.5. Run npm install aws-sdk 1.6. Run npm install react-navigation 1.6. Copy android/settings.gradle 1.7. Copy android/build.gradle 1.8. Copy android/app/build.gradle 1.9. Copy android/app/src.../ 1.10. Copy 1.11. Rename component in main index.js (app/index.js) 1.12. Relink the component in 1.13. Copy this project app folder into the new project
- Google Signin configuration 2.1. Register your google signin app (, 2.2. Update google-services.json (android/app/) 2.3. Update google signin webClientId (app/screens/SigninScreen.js)
- Admob configuration 3.1. Register an app in admob 3.2. Change the ad unit ID in app/screens/SigninScreen.js
- Amazon Cognito configuration 4.1. Register a new amazon cognito application 4.2. Update the IdendityPoolId (app/screens/SigninScreen)
- AWS dynamoDB configuration 5.1. Create desired tables in dynamoDB