A (silly) project created in about 8 hours at the AT&T Mobile Hackathon in Atlanta, GA on September 10th, 2011.
Visit that link on your "game board" (ie a shared space that players will be looking at, like a computer screen, projector, or centrally located tablet) and follow the "new game" link. The screen will prominently display a QR-Code to simplify mobile clients joining.
Now, with at least 4 mobile devices, pull out your QR-Code reader apps, follow the link, and you'll get to the game. Once 4 players have joined the game and chosen teams, the game will start!
Now: tap like mad to get the ball into your goal!
- Rails 3.1 with Asset Pipeline
- Heroku on the Celdon Cedar stack
- Faye for server-push pub/sub
- Bit.ly API for automatic QRCode-to-URL generation
- iPhone/JS touch events
- Blake Byrnes idea, player-client
- Calvin Yu idea, server-client
- Daniel Sims idea, scope management, windows and android testing
- Loren Norman faye, deployment, bitly/qrcode integration
- Stafford Brooke deployment, faye and asset pipeline troubleshooting