- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with bloonix_agent
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Editors
- Contributors
The bloonix_agent module installs, configures and manages bloonix-agent
The bloonix_agent module installs, configures and manages bloonix-agent and optionally autoregisters with a bloonix server.
- This module will set up a repository (depending on your osfamily this is either APT or YUM)
- This module will install the bloonix-agent package on your system
- This module will manage the bloonix-agent config on your system
- This module will manage the bloonix-agent service on your system (optional)
On Debian Systems, this module requires the puppetlabs/apt module.
You need to pass $config_bloonix_server, which should be the fqdn of your bloonix-server.
class { '::bloonix_agent':
config_bloonix_server => 'bloonix.example.com',
class { '::bloonix_agent':
config_bloonix_server => 'bloonix.example.com',
config_server_use_ssl => true,
See this Documentation It will enable you to automatically register hosts with your bloonix-server (useful for automated deployments) Only available in German, but the screenshots should show you enough to know where to get the company key and id from. In order for the autoregistration to work, you will need to pass config_bloonix_webgui:
class { '::bloonix_agent':
config_bloonix_server => 'bloonix.example.com',
config_bloonix_webgui => 'http://bloonix.example.com',
config_register_enable => true,
config_register_company_id => '2',
config_register_company_authkey => 'theFANCYkeyYOUgotFROMtheGUI',
config_register_description => 'Maybe something with facter facts here',
You can configure everything in the main.conf file from here. The configuration options are named config_$as_named_in_bloonix, so bloonix' use_sudo translates to config_use_sudo, bloonix' agents translates to config_bloonix_agent and so on. Please see params.pp and the bloonix documentation for a full set of options. Here are some examples.
class { '::bloonix_agent':
config_bloonix_server => 'bloonix.example.com',
config_agents => '2',
config_simple_plugins => '/usr/local/lib/bloonix/simple-plugins,/usr/lib/bloonix/simple-plugins,/usr/local/bin',
class { '::bloonix_agent':
config_bloonix_server => 'bloonix.example.com',
config_include => '/usr/local/bloonix/conf.d',
config_log_filename => '/usr/local/log/mylogfile.log',
- bloonix_agent: Main class, includes all other classes.
####Private Classes
- bloonix_agent::repo: Sets up the Repo
- bloonix_agent::install: Handles the packages.
- bloonix_agent::config: Handles the configuration file.
- bloonix_agent::service: Handles the service.
The following parameters are available in the ::bloonix_agent
On/Off switch. You can use this to include the module in your site.pp and disable the management for individual nodes.
Or you could go the other way round, and include the module in the main manifest with the toggle off, and enable it for individual nodes.
Name of the package.
The package state.
The URL to your web-GUI (defaults to http://bloonix.example.com)
The FQDN of your bloonix server (defaults to bloonix.example.com)
The port on which the bloonix server listens (defaults to 5460)
Should the agent use SSL to talk to the server? (defaults to false)
Please consult the bloonix documentation for a discussion of the params in detail.
The name of the service (defaults to bloonix-agent)
State of the service (defaults to running)
Enable the service? (defaults to true)
Regex used to validate the hostname of the bloonix-server
Regex used to validate the URL of the bloonix-webgui (in case your installation uses a naming scheme I haven't covered)
Currently, this module support CentOS, Fedora (with the bloonix CentOS Repo), Ubuntu and Debian.
I have limited access to resources and time, so if you think this module is useful, like it, hate it, want to make it better or want it off the face of the planet, feel free to get in touch with me.
Norbert Varzariu (loomsen)
Please see the list of contributors.