Looking Fox is a CMS web app built in React. Currently, it aims to be a simplified CRM for professional photographers. It allows users to assign custom to do lists based on the sessions or packages they offer. This allows photographers to see exactly where they are with their clients in the booking/shooting process, without having to spend a lot of time customizing a CMS to fit their needs.
In building Looking Fox, I wanted to write clean and concise code, have good component reuse, and use many tables in Postgres to store and access data. Writing components to be reused has changed how I approach building components and how I organize my app's structure. I wanted to demonstrate organizational and developer skills in a more production sized app.
React | Postgres | Express | Express-Session | Redux | Auth0 | Massive | Material UI/Bootstrap | Chart.js | Beautiful DnD | Stripe Elements/Subscription
Looking Fox will soon have an option to send review emails to clients, generate a PDF of payment information for tax purposes (including state/country per client, payments, and payment dates), and an Analytics dashboard that has ambitions of pulling in data from multiple APIs.
These features will be added as quickly as possible. However, I am doing some contract work that will take priority.