Author: Long Bui & Allisa Dao
Final Report:
This repository contains the code and data for the a Sentiment Analysis project. The project aims to convert 90 Milions Plain Words into meaningful insights.
The project consists of the following components:
- Exploratory Analysis: The initial phase involves conducting exploratory analysis to uncover the distribution of demographics among customers and products. Secondly, we wnat to clean the data for further analysis.
- Sentiment Analysis: The project utilizes NLTK, Textblob, TextVectorizer, Text2Emotion packages to transform raw words into statistics.
- Biagram and Triagram: Explore pros/cons mentions by customers
- T-tests: T-test between different Price Range
- Multivariate Regression: Finding correlations between different attributes
Data Link:
The project's findings and insights are documented in the project report.
Contributions to this project are welcome. Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for any enhancements or bug fixes.
For any inquiries or questions regarding the project, please contact me at [email protected]