This is a submission for MLDA Deep Learning Week Hackathon.
- The Main Code Folder contains the main code used in flutter with all other functions integrated.
- The Presentation Folder contains our PPT for project demonstration purposes.
- The Source Code Folder contains the utility and helper functions. These are the raw codes across platforms with different functionalities that have been used to derive the main code.
In 2015, there were an estimated 253 million people with visual impairment worldwide. Of these, 36 million were blind and a further 217 million had moderate to severe visual impairment. In context of Singapore- the problem worsens as the risk of blindness increases fifteen-fold for aged 50 to 80 and above. As age steals away the senses, vision loss is perhaps the most devastating, as it increases the risk of falls, depression and even premature death. As Singapore moves towards establishing itself as a SMART Nation , it becomes absolutely imperative to provide practical solutions to those in need.
We have developed a SMART cane using arduino along with a technological assistive application (FLUTTER) available for android and ios that works using spoken commands that allow the user to perform the 3 functions listed below:
- SMART Cane Obstacle Detection
Our SMART Cane is equipped with Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SRO4) attached to the arduino and linked to mobile application via bluetooth (HC05) that detects any incoming obstacle in a 2 meter radius. This enables the user to be aware of any possible obstruction in his/her immediate surroundings while walking. Our SMART cane is also equipped with temperature and humidity sensor which warns the user of incoming temperature changes and rain.
- ML Live Environment Tracker
There are often instances when a visually impaired person might not have any idea of their surroundings and might need assistance in identifying nearby objects. Therefore our ML Live Environment Tracker enables the user to point the camera around him/her and the program will list down all objects in vicinty such as Cars, Trees, Pedestrians , Electronics , Stationery, Chairs etc through spoken command.
- Tesseract Text Reader
We understand how it might be extremely frustrating for a visually impaired person to not be able to read notices / menus / food labels and hence we have developed a function that allows the user to point their phone camera at the object and ask the application to identify and read the text for them through spoken command.
- ‘Fall Alert’ feature that uses accelerometer to detect when the user falls down, and automatically calls user’s emergency contact.
- Community feature that matches volunteers to users that might require help in certain situations such as travelling to the doctor and urgent assistance.
- Inbuilt voice activated GPS system provided as an additional feature of the application.
- Customizable component that can be used to fit the sensorboard device onto any cane efficiently.
- An option to have a smart shoe as an alternative for users that do not wish to use a cane.
- Improving the structure and design of the sensorboard for greater marketability.
Flutter, Tensorflow, TFLite, Keras, Pandas, Tesseract OCR, Numpy, OpenCV, Flutter, HC05 Bluetooth module, DHT 11: Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)