A component for using CodeMirror6 with Vue. This component works in both Vue2 and Vue3.
yarn add vue-codemirror6 codemirror
For Vue 2.7 or below, @vue/composition-api is required separately.
yarn add vue-codemirror6 @vue/composition-api
This component can handle bidirectional binding by v-model
like a general Vue component.
Props | Type | Information |
model-value | string | Text | Text value. (Not value ) |
basic | boolean | Use basicSetup. |
minimal | boolean | Use miniSetup. If a basic prop is also specified, that setting will take precedence. |
dark | boolean | Toggle Darkmode. |
placeholder | string | Add placeholder text (or HTML DOM) when blank |
wrap | boolean | Line text wrapping. see lineWrapping. |
tab | boolean | Enables tab indentation. |
allow-multiple-selections | boolean | Allow Multiple Selection. See allowMultipleSelections |
tab-size | number | Configures the tab size to use in this state. |
line-separator | string | Set line break (separetor) char. (Default is \n .) |
theme | { [selector: string]: StyleSpec } | Specify the theme. For example, if you use @codemirror/theme-one-dark, import oneDark and put it in this prop. |
readonly | boolean | Makes the cursor visible or you can drag the text but not edit the value. |
disabled | boolean | This is the reversed value of the CodeMirror editable. Similar to readonly , but setting this value to true disables dragging. |
lang | LanguageSupport | The language you want to have syntax highlighting. see https://codemirror.net/6/#languages |
phrases | Record<string, string> | Specify here if you want to make the displayed character string multilingual. see https://codemirror.net/6/examples/translate/ |
extensions | Extension[] | Includes enhancements to extend CodeMirror. |
linter | LintSource | Set Linter. Enter a linter (eg esLint([arbitrary rule]) function for @codemirror/lang-javascript , jsonParseLinter() function for@codemirror/json ). See the sources for various language libraries for more information. |
linterConfig | Object | see https://codemirror.net/docs/ref/#lint.linter^config |
forceLinting | boolean | see https://codemirror.net/docs/ref/#lint.forceLinting |
gutter | boolean | Display 🔴 on the line where there was an error when linter was specified. It will not work if linter is not specified. |
gutterConfig | Object | see https://codemirror.net/docs/ref/#lint.lintGutter^config |
tag | string | HTML tags used in the component. (Default is div tag.) |
⚠ Notice: lang
and linter
can also be set together in extensions
. These are separated for compatibility with previous versions of CodeMirror settings and for typing props.
- @phoenix-plugin-registry/petetnt.brackets-codemirror-fortran
- @phoenix-plugin-registry/petetnt.brackets-codemirror-go
Mark up as follows to make it work at a minimum.
<code-mirror v-model="value" />
import { ref, defineComponent } from 'vue';
import CodeMirror from 'vue-codemirror6';
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
const value = ref('Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.');
return { value };
The contents of the slot will overwrite the existing v-model
. For this reason, it is recommended to use it when simply displaying with a readonly
prop without using v-model
Also, insert a <pre>
tag to prevent the text in the slot from being automatically formatted.
<code-mirror :lang="lang" :linter="linter">
"key": "value"
import { ref, defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { json, jsonParseLinter } from '@codemirror/lang-json';
import CodeMirror from 'vue-codemirror6';
export default defineComponent({
components: {
setup() {
const lang = json();
const linter = jsonParseLinter();
return { lang, linter };
When using as a Markdown editor on https://github.com/logue/vite-vue3-ts-starter.
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, defineComponent, type Ref } from 'vue';
// Load component
import CodeMirror from 'vue-codemirror6';
// CodeMirror extensions
import { markdown as md } from '@codemirror/lang-markdown';
import type { LanguageSupport } from '@codemirror/language';
import type { Extension } from '@codemirror/state';
import type { ViewUpdate } from '@codemirror/view';
/** text */
const value: Ref<string> = ref('');
/** Dark mode **/
const dark: Ref<boolean> = ref(
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches
* CodeMirror Language
* @see {@link https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#language | @codemirror/language}
const lang: LanguageSupport = md();
* Internationalization Config.
* In this example, the display language to Japanese.
* Must be reactive when used in combination with vue-i18n.
* @see {@link https://codemirror.net/6/examples/translate/ | Example: Internationalization}
const phrases: Record<string, string> = {
// @codemirror/view
'Control character': '制御文字',
// @codemirror/commands
'Selection deleted': '選択を削除',
// @codemirror/language
'Folded lines': '折り畳まれた行',
'Unfolded lines': '折り畳める行',
to: '行き先',
'folded code': '折り畳まれたコード',
unfold: '折り畳みを解除',
'Fold line': '行を折り畳む',
'Unfold line': '行の折り畳む解除',
// @codemirror/search
'Go to line': '行き先の行',
go: 'OK',
Find: '検索',
Replace: '置き換え',
next: '▼',
previous: '▲',
all: 'すべて',
'match case': '一致条件',
'by word': '全文検索',
regexp: '正規表現',
replace: '置き換え',
'replace all': 'すべてを置き換え',
close: '閉じる',
'current match': '現在の一致',
'replaced $ matches': '$ 件の一致を置き換え',
'replaced match on line $': '$ 行の一致を置き換え',
'on line': 'した行',
// @codemirror/autocomplete
Completions: '自動補完',
// @codemirror/lint
Diagnostics: 'エラー',
'No diagnostics': 'エラーなし',
Event | Description |
ready | When CodeMirror loaded. |
focus | When focus changed. |
update | When CodeMirror state changed. Returns ViewUpdate object. |
change | Value changed. Returns EditorState |
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted, type Ref, type PropType } from 'vue';
import CodeMirror from 'vue-codemirror6';
const cm: Ref<InstanceType<typeof CodeMirror> | undefined> = ref();
onMounted(() => {
<code-mirror ref="cm" />
Function / Parameter | Description |
view | Get and set EditorView. |
selection | Get and set the EditorSelection instance. |
cursor | Get and set the cursor location. |
json | Get and set state to a JSON-serializable object. |
focus | Get and set focus. |
lint() | Force run linter (Only if linter prop is specified) |
forceReconfigure() | Re register all extensions. |
The instructions below are compatible methods for those familiar with codemirror5. Since the above method is usually sufficient, its active use is not recommended.
Function | Description |
getRange(from?: number, to?: number) | Get the text between the given points in the editor. |
getLine(number: number) | Get the content of line. |
lineCount() | Get the number of lines in the editor. |
getCursor() | Retrieve one end of the primary selection. |
listSelections() | Retrieves a list of all current selections. |
getSelection() | Get the currently selected code. |
getSelections() | The length of the given array should be the same as the number of active selections. |
somethingSelected() | Return true if any text is selected. |
replaceRange(replacement: string | Text, from: number, to: number) | Replace the part of the document between from and to with the given string. |
replaceSelection(replacement: string | Text) | Replace the selection(s) with the given string. |
setCursor(position: number) | Set the cursor position. |
setSelection(anchor: number, head?: number) | Set a single selection range. |
setSelections(ranges: readonly SelectionRange[], primary?: number) | Sets a new set of selections. |
extendSelectionsBy(f: Function) | Applies the given function to all existing selections, and calls extendSelections on the result. |
Since CodeMirror has a relatively large capacity, when using vite, it is recommended to set it to output as a separate file using the manualChunks
option at build time as shown below.
const config: UserConfig = {
// ...
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
manualChunks: {
// ...
codemirror: [
// Split CodeMirror code.
'codemirror-lang': [
// Add the following as needed.
// ...
// ...
©2022-2025 by Logue. Licensed under the MIT License.