Lazy Load delays loading of data in long web pages like sina weibo.
Load jQuery and jquery.lazyload.min.js
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="DataLazyLoad.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Add the HTML code
<ul class = 'list'>
Call DataLazyLoad
//Call DataLazyLoad
$(".list").DataLazyLoad({load : function(page, unLocked)
var html = '';
var max = 10;
//Generate the data
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
html += '<li>Page: ' + page + ', Data Index: ' + i + ' </li>';
//Check whether to end
page = page >= max ? 0 : page + 1;
//You must call after loading the data, To prevent repeated load, The first parameter to the next page, No page is 0
if (page == 0)
$("<li class = 'h2'>The End!</li>").appendTo('.list');
|When less than offset distance at the bottom of the page to load data.|
|load|function|function(page, unLocked){}
|The load data handler. Parameters: page
is Need to load the page, unLocked
is a function. After loading the data must be called unLocked
function, and pass nextPage parameters.|
|page|int|2|Loading page Numbers for the first time|
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