Releases: lobneroO/PersonalRunningOrderTool
Version 0.4.1 of Personal Running Order Tool
- Fixed a bug, where single digit minutes where filled up with 0s at the end rather than the beginning (e.g. "15:5" would be printed as "15:50", but correct is "15:05")
- Fixed the Linux release creation
- Added Running Order of Summer Breeze 2024 (as of July 10th, 2024)
Version 0.4 of Personal Running Order Tool
[FIXED]: Time labels exceed 24:00
[FIXED]: PRO Tool does not close if a subwindow was opened
[FIXED]: .prot extensionw as added every time, even if the file name contained it already
[ADDED]: Support for an act playing on multiple days
[ADDED]: Support for band name aliasing in the printed output
[ADDED]: Settings to change font sizes for the band names, times and stage names
[ADDED]: Added stage selection, such that a stage can be removed from the print output if it is not needed
[CHANGED]: Band sorting in the band selection window is case insensitive now
The line up files are for Summer Breeze and Wacken 2023 respectively and provided as a courtesy, but I will not guarantee it is free of errors. Make sure your favourite's band time slot is correct.
Version 0.3 of Personal Running Order Tool
[FIXED]: Time labels don't position themselves correctly (this should be stable for any number of stages now)
[FIXED]: Time slots not shown centered
[FIXED]: Band names not printed centered
[CHANGED]: Band sorting int he band selection window is row first now
[FIXED]: Buttons of the band selection window don't affect the layout of bands anymore
The Lineup is the updated version for Summer Breeze 2022, as there was a switch in the playtimes for two bands.
Version 0.2 of Personal Running Order Tool
- [FIXED]: Windows don't appear in front when opening them
- [FIXED]: Some clashes are not marked as such, when one of the bands has starting or ending time after midnight
- [FIXED]: Special characters on windows don't work
- [FIXED]: The pdf is saved without an extension
- [NEW]: Settings window allows for choosing how to save the running order: as a pdf or several png files (or both)
- [NEW]: Settings window allows to choose the dpi resolution for the image output
Note that you can still get the line up file for Summer Breeze 2022 in release 0.1, it hasn't changed.
The first version of Personal Running Order Tool (short PRO).
The software works, but the layout is only tested (and somewhat optimized) for the Summer-Breeze 2022 line up. You can theoretically try it for any festival, but it may not be as legible.
As an example and potentially for others to use, I have added the line up file for Summer-Breeze 2022.