PizzaScript is a JavaScript browser automation framework that records detailed webpage performance metrics.
It uses the Chrome DevTools Extensions API, so no external driver is required.
It includes:
- A script recorder / editor, with a REPL and debugger for interactively writing tests.
- A standalone script runner, for running a set of tests, capturing screenshots & performance metrics.
- A Java API, for embedding the script runner in your own projects.
- Inspect page load times and HTTP traffic.
- Wait on page load, HTTP traffic, elements to be visible
- Block/redirect certain URLs (e.g. block 3rd party beacon URLs)
- Modify request headers
- HTTP authentication support (Basic/Digest/NTLM)
- Emulate Mobile and Tablet devices
- Emulate network conditions (e.g. 3G/4G/Offline)
- Record WebSocket request/responses
- Take screenshots / Record video of page load
- Many useful CSS selector extensions (e.g. "a:contains(Click me!)" selects a link with the text "Click me!")
- Easy integration with Jenkins / CircleCI / Appveyor / Travis
First make sure the following are installed:
- Chrome 40+
- Java 8 JRE
Then download the latest PizzaScript release.
To open the script recorder:
To run a script and generate a report:
bin/pizzascript scripts/basic.js
To run a performance test as a continuous integration job see Jenkins Setup
The Chrome executable will be picked up from well-known Chrome install locations, if not found there then the PATH is searched. See Chrome Setup for troubleshooting and/or manually configuring the Chrome location.
Tested on Linux, OSX and Windows.
b ="");
var b =;"");"button:contains(Sign In)");
b.type("#inputEmail", "[email protected]");
b.type("#inputPassword", "password");"button:contains(Login):nth(1)");
var b =;
b.emulateDevice("Apple iPhone 6")"");
- Browsertime - "Access the Web Performance Timeline, from your browser, in your terminal!"
- Lighthouse - "Auditing and performance metrics for Progressive Web Apps."
- PhantomJS - "Drive a headless browser using JavaScript, take screenshots and capture performance metrics."
- WebPageTest - "Test a site's peformance from many different locations with a wide variety of browsers."
- ChromeDP - "Faster, simpler way to drive browsers that support Chrome Debugger Protocol."