This is a qemu-vm inside a docker container, for use with my Kubernetes cluster at home.
The entrypoint script sets up the necessary tap interfaces and bridges for each network interface you specify (defaults to eth0). Additionally, you can use --passthrough-first-nic
to attempt to have the VM configured with the pod network (this generates some configuration based on routes, assigned IP address and DNS configuration).
The helm charts provided assume you have persistent storage working within your cluster. The default StorageClass is cephfs. Currently the requested PV size is not functional.
$ helm repo add qemu-vm
$ cat <<EOF > ./userdata
password: ubuntu
chpasswd: { expire: False }
$ helm
$ helm install --name=test --set=cpu=1 --set=replicas=2 --set-file userdata=./userdata
$ kubectl get pods
test-vm-0 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 3s
$ kubectl logs -f test-vm-0
$ kubectl exec -it test-vm-0 /vm/console
Press CTRL+O to exit the console
.. you should see ubuntu-18.04 booting ..
Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS test-vm-0 ttyS0
test-vm-0 login: ubuntu
Password: ubuntu
The following options are available from the entrypoint for the docker image:
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--cpu INTEGER CPU's assigned to the VM
--ram INTEGER RAM assigned to the VM (in MB)
--nic TEXT Network Cards to Bridge to the VM (can be used
multiple times)
--disk TEXT Disks to provide to the VM (the first must be the
boot disk)
--image-source TEXT Image to download as the root disk
--image-always-pull Always download the root disk image?
--immutable When this machine is shutdown, discard all changes
to the disks.
--passthrough-first-nic Passthrough the first NIC's IP address from the
command line.
--vm-data DIRECTORY Path to store VM data
--config FILE Persistent VM configuration storage path
--user-data FILE Path to user-data
--debug Enable debug logging
--test Don't actually execute the VM
--help Show this message and exit.
Planning to include a metadata service, and the ability to provide secrets/kubernetes service account through to the VM.