A complete HTML/CSS video player that aims to bring interactity to the video Built on top of video.js. We strongly recommend to first visit (http://docs.videojs.com/docs/) and get familiar with "video js" before cotinuing using kmlplayer
1. Download the package
Download the kmlPlayer package and move it in your assets folder.
2. Add Script and Stylesheet
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/kmlPlayer/kmlPlayer.min.css">
<script src="assets/kmlPlayer/kmlPlayer.min.js"></script>
2.1 IE8 support If you'd like to support IE8, add the following lines inside the head of the page
<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<script src="assets/ie8/kmlPlayer.min.js"></script>
3. Add a <video>
<video class="videoWrapper video-js">
<source type="video/mp4" src="https://cdn.selz.com/plyr/1.5/View_From_A_Blue_Moon_Trailer-HD.mp4"></source>
4. Instantiate kmlPlayer
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), settings);
settings = {
techOrder: [
muted: false,
controls: true,
posterImage: false,
autoplay: false,
loop: false,
preload: "auto",
textTrackDisplay: false,
textTrackSettings: false,
controlBar: {
audioTrackButton: false,
volumeMenuButton: {
vertical: true,
inline: false
chaptersButton: false,
subtitlesButton: false,
captionsButton: false,
playbackRateMenuButton: false,
customControlSpacer: false,
fullscreenToggle: true,
currentTimeDisplay: false,
timeDivider: false,
durationDisplay: false,
liveDisplay: false,
remainingTimeDisplay: false,
descriptionsButton: false,
progressControl: {
seekBar: {
loadProgressBar: true,
mouseTimeDisplay: false
elementsOrder : ['playToggle', 'volumeMenuButton', 'progressControl', 'fullscreenToggle']
timeline: {
responsive: "scaled",
offsetY: -30,
width: 'full',
height: 44,
font: false
visibility: {
onHidden: function() {},
onVisible: function() {}
View working example on codepen
var app = {
initiated: false,
init: function(){
this.initiated = true;
scene: 1,
loadScene: function(){
this.scene += 1;
console.log('loading scene '+this.scene);
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
timeline: {
responsive: true
}, {
loadedmetadata: function(){
end: function(){
- abort
- canplay
- canplaythrough
- durationchange
- emptied
- ended
- error
- loadeddata
- loadedmetadata
- loadstart
- pause
- play
- playing
- progress
- ratechange
- seeked
- seeking
- stalled
- suspend
- timeupdate
- volumechange
- waiting
Fires when the loading of an audio/video is aborted
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
abort: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('audio/video aborted');
Fires when the browser can start playing the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
canplay: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('can start playing');
Fires when the browser can play through the audio/video without stopping for buffering
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
canplaythrough: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('can play through');
Fires when the duration of the audio/video is changed
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
durationchange: function(d){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('duration changed to', d);
Fires when the current playlist is empty
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
emptied: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('current playlist is empty');
Fires when the current playlist is ended
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
ended: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('video ended');
Best practice
When building a sequence of videos is best to use this event to trigger your app to load a new video sequence
Fires when an error occurred during the loading of an audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
error: function(e){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('error loading the media, error', e);
Fires when the browser has loaded the current frame of the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
loadeddata: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('loaded the current frame');
Fires when the browser has loaded meta data for the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
loadedmetadata: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('loadeded metadata');
Best practice
When building a sequence of videos is best to use this event to trigger your app to initate a new sequence so that you will have access to the new parameters of the video
video width: this.videoWidth();
video height: this.videoHeight();
Also clean the current sequence content when needed before initating the new sequence
You can use flags on the player so that whenever a new video is loaded some part of your app logic is triggered only once. Eg:
app.doSomethingOnce(); // best for global elements, logic or events that should persist in all the sequences
this._myFlag = true;
Fires when the browser starts looking for the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
loadeddata: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('start looking for the audio/video');
Best practice
When building a sequence of videos is best to use this event to trigger your app to clean previous logic/elements
Clean the current sequence content when needed before initating the new sequence in loadedmetadata
Fires when the audio/video has been paused
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
pause: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media paused');
Best practice
Use this event to easily integrate your own video controls
Fires when the audio/video has been started or is no longer paused
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
play: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media start playing');
Best practice
Use this event to easily integrate your own video controls
Fires when the audio/video is playing after having been paused or stopped for buffering
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
playing: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media playing');
Best practice
Use this event to easily integrate your own video controls
Fires when the browser is downloading the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
progress: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('downloading portion of video, buffering');
Fires when the playing speed of the audio/video is changed
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
ratechange: function(r){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log(r); //get the new playback speed
console.log('playing speed of the media is changed');
Fires when the user is finished moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
seeked: function(t){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media moved to the position ', t);
Fires when the user starts moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
seeking: function(t){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media moved to the position ', t);
Fires when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
stalled: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media data is not available ');
Fires when the browser is intentionally not getting media data
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
suspend: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('intentionally not getting media data');
Fires when the current playback position has changed * During playback this is fired every 15-250 milliseconds, depending on the playback technology in use.
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
timeupdate: function(t){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('current playback position ', t);
Fires when the volume has been changed
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
volumechange: function(v){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('current media volume ', v);
Fires when the video stops because it needs to buffer the next frame
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
waiting: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('media stopped because it needs to buffer');
Fired when the user is active, e.g. moves the mouse over the player
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
useractive: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('user is active');
Fired when the user is inactive, e.g. a short delay after the last mouse move or control interaction
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'), {
}, {
userinactive: function(){
// this - refers to the player instance;
console.log('user is inactive');
- Overlays
- Cuepoints
- Responsive
- Subtitles
- Bounds
- Visibility
- Context menu
- Powered by
- Keyboard
- Utils
Create and add video overlays to the current video.
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'));
var myOverlay = myPlayer.overlays.add({
id: 'overlay_0', // if not set it will automatically generated
x: 20, // horizontal position inside the video
y: 20, // vertical position inside the video
width: 110, // If given it will set the width size of the overlay - this will adapt according to the video current size;
height: 110, // If given it will set the height size of the overlay - this will adapt according to the video current size;
origin: "topLeft", // values accepted : topLeft, top, topRight, left, center, right, bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight - sets the center point(x,y) position of the marker, defaults to 'topLeft'
start: 0, // optional defaults to 0 - set when the overlay should start to be visible
end: -1, //optional defaults to -1 - set when the overlay should be hidded. When set to -1 it makes the overlay visible till the end of the video after the given start
className: null, // accepts a string or an array of strings - add (a) className(s) to the overlay
onShow: null || function(e){
console.log(this); // overlay instance
console.log(e); // mouse event
}, // callBack when the overlay is shown
onHide: null || function(e){
console.log(this); // overlay instance
console.log(e); // mouse event
}, // callBack when the overlay is hided
onMouseEnter: null || function(e){
console.log(this); // overlay instance
console.log(e); // mouse event
}, // callBack when the mouse entered the overlay
onMouseMove: null || function(e){
console.log(this); // overlay instance
console.log(e); // mouse event
}, // callBack when the mouse is moving inside the overlay
onMouseLeave: null || function(e){
console.log(this); // overlay instance
console.log(e); // mouse event
}, // callBack when the mouse is leaving the overlay
onClick: null || function(e){
console.log(this); // overlay instance
console.log(e); // mouse event
}, // callBack when the overlay is cliked/tapped
content: null, // accepts a domElement or a function that should return a domElement
font: {
min: 1, // multiply the font by x. the font will be set in em units by default.
ratio: 1, // min font (em units)
lineHeight: "auto", // auto or lineHeight ratio.
units: "em" // rem, em or px
path: false, // optional: provide an array of coordonates to animate/sync the overlay to the video currentTime, [..., {x:10, y: 10, start: 10, end: 11}, ...]
visible: false // if not set it will be automaticaly defined by the start and end timings set
myOverlay.el_; // get the dom element of the overlay added;
myOverlay.id; // get the id of the overlay added;
myOverlay.addClass; // add a className to the overlay;
myOverlay.removeClass; // remove a className to the overlay;
myOverlay.hasClass; // check if the overlay has a className;
myOverlay.toggleClass; // toggle a current className of the overlay;
myOverlay.content(); // get the content added to the overlay in settings;
myOverlay.trigger('hide','show','click'); // trigger 'onHide','onShow','onClick' added to the overlay in settings;
myOverlay.resize(); // resize this overlay relative to the video current size and position;
myOverlay.font(); // change the font of the overlay relative to the video current size and position;
myOverlay.originPoint(); // gets or sets the center point of the overlay
myOverlay.show(); // makes the overlay visible and sets the visible prop to true
myOverlay.hide(); // hides the overlay and sets the visible prop to false
myOverlay.destroy(); // destroy the currnet overlay and remove it from the player's overlays list
//overlays methods
myPlayer.overlays.add({}); // add an overlay to the player
myPlayer.overlays.show(); // displays all the overlays added; also triggers overlays.onSHow
myPlayer.overlays.hide(); // hides all the overlays added; also triggers overlays.onHide
myPlayer.overlays.el(); // get the overlays wrapper element inside the video player;
myPlayer.overlays.instances( id ); //gets all overlays or specific one by id;
myPlayer.overlays.destroy(); // removes all the overlays from the player and from the memory
myPlayer.overlays.resize(); // resize the overlays relative to the video current size and position;
myPlayer.overlays.suspend(); // stops updating the position and size of the overlays on the video
myPlayer.overlays.process(); // reinits and updates the position and size of the overlays on the video. It is automacally triggered when addind an overlay with overlays.add(...);
Add time based cuepoints to the media element of the video. It can have visual representation on a given domElemtn, by default they are set directly inside the timeline of the player's controllBar
myCuepoint = myPlayer.cuepoints.add({
once: false, // if true the action will be triggered only once
start: 0, // starting time,
end: -1, // ending time,
onStart: function() {}, // callback function triggered on cuepoint start
onEnd: function() {}, // callback function triggered on cuepoint end
onClick: function() {}, // callback function triggered when the visual representation is set and clicked
params: {}, // general parameters that are sent to the cuepoint's callback functions. Best use in conjonction with an app general settings file.
active: 'active', //name of the class to be added when the cuepoint is active
inactive: 'inactive', //name of the class to be added when the cuepoint is inactive
className: 'vjs-cuepoint', //sets a custom class for the visual cuepoint, by default is set to 'vjs-cuepoint'
label: false, //adds a text label to the cuepoint's visual. by default is shown on mose hover
visual: false, // false, true or domElement
width: null, //when set to true it will make the visual to occupy all the space between start and end on the timeline. Make sure to override the default css styling of the cuepoint or set the className of the cuepoint to something different than 'vjs-cuepoint' and write your own visual cuepoint css styles
//Cuepoints methods
myPlayer.cuepoints.add(); // add and return a cuepoint
myPlayer.cuepoints.wrapper(domElement); // set the cuepoints visual's wrapper dom element. When domElement not set it returns the current wrapper;
myPlayer.cuepoints.show(); // show all the markers that have a visual representation on the player's timeline
myPlayer.cuepoints.hide(); // hide all the markers that have a visual representation on the player's timeline
myPlayer.cuepoints.suspend(); // suspend all marker's actions
myPlayer.cuepoints.resume(); // resume all marker's actions
myPlayer.cuepoints.destroy(); // removes all the cuepoints
Make a domElement to scale to the video's size and coordinates
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'));
x: null,
y: null,
width: null,
height: null,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
active: true, // set window.onResize calling
onVisible: false, // resize the element only when visible
transform: {
y: "-100%" // transform scaled position to -100% scaled height of the element.
scale : { //set to true or false what you wish to be scaled to the video's postion and size
x: true,
y: true,
width: true,
height: true
font : {
min: false,
ratio: false,
lineHeight: null,
units: "em"
callback: null, // callback function triggered onResize, recieves player's dimensions as param
When making an 'el' responsive using this plugin you have access to new methods that can be directly called with the element
el.responsive.update(o); // o = object with new parameters, see myPlayer.responsive(el, ...) up to view all available parameters,
el.responsive.resize(); // scale the el without waiting for window.onResize event;
el.responsive.disable(); // disable the automatic scaling of the element on video dimension/coordinates change
el.responsive.enable(); // enable the automatic scaling of the element on video dimension/coordinates change
Add/change the subtitle of a video
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'));
myPlayer.subtitles(src, options);
src: path to the subtitle text file
options: {
min: 1, // set the subtitle's text minimum size
ratio: 2, // set the subtitle's text size ratio increase
offset: 0, //set the Y offset of the subtitle
autoHide: true //make subtitles wrapper respond to userinactive/useractive timeline's position
You can set as a parameter an array of obects when ajax cannot be called.
var src = [{start:0,end:0,text:'Lorem ipsum dolor'}, ...];
To unload/clear a subtitle call the plugin with no parameters
When player's controlBar is disabled/removed the autoHide setting of the subtitle is always 'false'
Returns the video domElement bounds
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'));
var settings = {
width: 1280,
height: 720
}// optional
var data = myPlayer.bounds(settings);
data = {
width: videoActualWidth, // the actual width of the video
height: videoActualHeight, // the actual height of the video
offset_x: bandW, // the left and right offset size of the video (vertical black bars)
offset_y: bandH, // the top and bottom offset size of the video (horizontal black bars)
width_org: videoWidth, // the original width of the video before scaling
height_org: videoHeight, // the original height of the video before scaling
Call this plugin after the loadedmetada event of the player is triggered or set the video size manually. When the video size is set automatically it will affect the following pluings: responsive, overlays, subtitle. Best practice when not knowing the video original size and you don't want to depent on the loadedmetada event
Make the video pause/play when not not focused/focused. Eg: Change tabs in browser.
// can be directly set on the player initialization
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'),{
visibility: {
onHidden: function() {},
onVisible: function() {}
// or updated/added by calling directly the plugin
onHidden: function(){},
onVisible: function() {}
To be added
To be added
Available general tools for easing the work.
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'));
// To shorten load times, you should always offer the .mp3 as a last alternative.
myPlayer.utils.preloader.addFiles('file1', 'mysound*:sound.ogg||sound.mp3');
//for more details see https://github.com/jussi-kalliokoski/html5Preloader.js;
myPlayer.utils.device.ie(); // check if the player runs in Internet Explorer, returns false or browser version
myPlayer.utils.device.ios(); // check if the player runs on ipad/iphone
myPlayer.utils.url.params(); //returns url parameters
myPlayer.utils.hasClass(el, "className"); //check if el has a class
myPlayer.utils.addClass(el, "className"); //add class to el
myPlayer.utils.removeClass(el, "className"); //remove class from el
myPlayer.utils.toggleClass(el, "className"); //toggle class for el
By default the player has keyboard events to control the volume, seek, play, pause events with the keyboard.
var myPlayer = kmlplayer(document.querySelector('video'));
myPlayer.keyboard.enable(); //returns the status of the keyboard events : true or false
myPlayer.keyboard.enable(boolean); //enable or disable the keyboard events
myPlayer.keyboard.destroy(); //remove the keyboard events
myPlayer.keyboard.init(); //inits the keyboard events - by default this is triggered automatically at player's instatiation;
To be added
First Question?
This is the first answer
Second Question?
Second answer
Created and Maintained by Mihai Lacatusu