For the NASA Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge.
The purpose of this hackathon is to use data analysis to solve COVID-19-related problems.
I've written a small brief of each challenge in order to help to decide which one to tackle. I've also tried to group them into categories.
Where There's a Link - Present real-time information on factors affecting the spread of COVID-19.
Purify the Air Supply - COVID-19 has increased time spent indoors. Develop an air monitor/purifier.
Data Analysis
Quiet Planet - Document environmental changes caused by COVID-19 and how societies have responded.
Light the Path - Explore how human activity and movement patterns have been affected by COVID-19.
A New Perspective - Examine the impact of reduced human traffic from COVID-19 on natural spaces.
SDGs and COVID-19 - Monitor the impact of COVID-19 on the progress of Sustainable Development Goals.
Human Factors - Identify patterns between populations and cases, and factors that can predict hotspots.
An Integrated Assessment - Integrate Earth data with socio-economic data to discover COVID-19 impacts.
Food for Thought - Propose solutions to local/global food supply issues caused by COVID-19.
The Isolation Solution - Develop solutions to combat social isolation.
The Art of It All - Express the experience of living through COVID-19 with a work of art.
A World Away - Identify psychologic/technical risks in space caused by COVID-19, and evaluate on-Earth support.
- Practical solutions for practicing social distancing.
A platform of communities to bring people together with friends before gaming/online activities.
- Offer insights for astronauts suffering from isolation on spaceflight.
Big data science to see how the mood of players has improved.
- Contain or reference space agency data.
Reference HI-SEAS to see isolation problems and how astronauts deal with them.