- A program to analyze protein sequences using pattern-match algorithms: Boyer-Moore, KMP, Suffix-Arrays.
- A program to fetch a PDB file from online and analyze it in different ways (Sheets, helices, Atoms, torsion angles, distances, and more).
It downloads over 30k PBD files to parse them and to analyze the data. Parallel programming features are used to speed up the process.
- It creates json files from the data of interest and it creates visual representations out of those json files.
- The program finds the distribution of phi and psi angles for amino acids in helices and beta sheets. It uses a Ramachandran plot for visual representation of the distribution.
- Finds torsion angles.
- Analyzes lengths of helices.
- Finds the rise distance between any two consecutive Ca atoms in helices.
- Finds the rise distance between any two consecutive Ca atoms in sheets.