This game is designed to allow users to match twitter handles and tweets and see how long it takes them to get all 10 right. They can also view a leaderboard to see where they stand. This project uses Laravel, MySQL, the Twitter API, web scraping to get the most followed twitter accounts, Vue JS, jQuery UI, and Laravel Mix.
- Serve home page
- Get list of matching twitter handles and tweets
- Submit results with name and email
- Click start btn
- Request game data
- Display game data (and mix it up)
- Drag n Drop handles onto tweets
- Display form once all items are matched or once timer runs out
- View Leaderboard
- Store rank in database and update on game submission instead of always needing to query for it
- Visual error message instead of console.error for api requests
- Setup live site
- Instead of fetching twitter data on every game, create a cron job that gathers data for the top 100 accounts and stores it locally every hour to use for game data
- Add JS Tests
- Better Visual Design
- Navigation to always view leaderboard w/out needing to play a game
- Move ranking logic into separate job or its own mysql stored procedure. Basically better option than running individual queries for all games.