Identify the number of articles in the entire Wikipedia dataset with the help of a given article name using MapReduce program.
<Run the below two commands only if the file is modified - To compile and create jar>
javac -classpath $HADOOP_CLASSPATH'/*' -d artcount_classes/ jar -cvf artcount.jar -C artcount_classes/ .
Input - /CS5331_Examples/Programming_Project_Dataset.txt Output- /user/ljuturu/art_count/output
<Run 4 test cases>
hadoop jar artcount.jar ArticleCount /CS5331_Examples/Programming_Project_Dataset.txt texas hadoop jar artcount.jar ArticleCount /CS5331_Examples/Programming_Project_Dataset.txt "Red Raider" hadoop jar artcount.jar ArticleCount /CS5331_Examples/Programming_Project_Dataset.txt "Texas Tech" hadoop jar artcount.jar ArticleCount /CS5331_Examples/Programming_Project_Dataset.txt Lubbock
hadoop fs -ls /user/ljuturu/art_count/output hadoop fs -cat /user/ljuturu/art_count/output/part-00000
hadoop fs -rm -r -skipTrash /user/ljuturu/art_count/output
hadoop fs -copyToLocal /user/ljuturu/art_count/output/part-00000 /mnt/CS5331_HomeDirectory/ljuturu/p_project1/art_count/output