A simple e-commerce store for Enonic XP.
Download latest version from bintray:
Shopping carts are created when a user adds a item to the cart. Carts will be persisted if user is logged in, however no login/registration form is currently implemented.
Payments done via Stripe. A stripe account is needed to set up the application and recieve payments. https://stripe.com
Test cards can be located here: https://stripe.com/docs/testing
When a order is complete, it can be viewed in admin with shipping details and completion status.
- Fixed site to be invalid on first import
- Removed unused cart import
- Fixed an error when changing a stored address
- Improved error handling when using wrong card input
- Customer carts have been temporary disabled due to some inconsistent errors.
- Stripe Token generator was erroneously removed in a previous version
- In 1.0.1 the application key was changed, but not all references, this is now fixed
- Error logging and error pages
- Error message when api key is missing
- Smaller images for faster loading
- Application meta data display name
- Cart button now has fixed positioning
- Cart connection from Order
- Stripe API-keys from import
Use only session for carts- Validation of checkout form
- Registration and login of customers
- Toggle shipping option in site config
- Shipping prices
- Preview of orders in admin
- Product page
- Order admin and order subfolders (to easy shipping process)
- Email confirmation and order id
- Internationalization of all strings
- Stock quantity on products
- Send shipment data to Stripe
- Customer pages with order history
- Selenium testing
- Modularize payment, add more providers
- Sort out permissions for carts and customers
- Close checkout by clicking outside