This repo provides a helm chart to deploy Sormas into Kubernetes. It has two parts the Sormas Helm Chart and Postgres Helm Chart config which provides an example values file and a Dockerfile to extend Bitnami Postgresql Docker Image by adding temporal_tables extension. The postgresql helm chart uses the bitnami docker images and provides a lot of cool features including turnkey replication if you need it so using it is a no brainer. Head over to the link above for more details on how to use the chart. Just remember to use your custom postgresql image base on the Dockerfile in this repo os build your own. This may eventually be turned into a composite helmchart with both postgresql chart and sormas chart deployed in a single go. Deploying Postgresql Chart
git clone
cd sormas-k8s/sormas-postgres
cp value.yaml to custom-values.yaml
- postgresqlPassword -> this will be the default postgres user password
- SORMAS_POSTGRES_PASSWORD -> the password for sormas_user user
- PGPASSWORD -> this is similar to postgresqlPassword and is used to initialise the Sormas db
- persistence -> modify this accordingly
- resources am requesting 4GB of ram you can go higher or lower Now the fun bit
kubectl create ns sormas
helm upgrade --install sormas-db bitnami/postgresql -f custom-values.yaml --namespace sormas
Note the incluster postgres url you will user that as dbHost when configuring the Sormas chart Install Sormas Chart
cd ../
cp sormas-custom-values.yaml.example sormas-custom-values.yaml
Update the values with necessary values and run
helm upgrade --install sormas-app sormas-helm --namespace sormas -f custom-values.yaml
Finally profit 🥳🥳🥳🥳.
The Operator build with the RedHat Operator Framework allows you to easily manage your SORMAS instances with a CRD.
For K8S use kubectl
OpenShift oc
kubectl apply -f sormas-operator/deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl apply -f sormas-operator/deploy/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f sormas-operator/deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f sormas-operator/deploy/crds/sormas.hzi-braunschweig.com_sormashelms_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f sormas-operator/deploy/operator.yaml
Wait for the pod running correctly:
kubectl get pods -w
Run the test deployment:
kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f sormas-operator/deploy/crd/sormas.hzi-braunschweig.com_v1alpha1_sormashelm_cr.yaml
Watch your pods being created:
kubectl get pods -w
Connect an ingress or route to the sormas-service and go to the URL...
Ready to fight diseases!