Add support for datastream trailer (#3329 )
Reject ingress if Enabled flag is false (#3293 )
Use nonce in data messages to de-dupe SendData API. (#3366 )
H265 supoort and codec regression (#3358 )
Pass error details and timeouts. (#3402 )
Webhook analytics event. (#3423 )
add participant job type (#3443 )
add datapacket stream metrics (#3450 )
Implement SIP iterators. (#3332 )
Add ice candidates logs for failed peerconnection (#3473 )
Disable SCTP zero checksum for old go client (#3319 )
disable sctp zero checksum for unknown sdk (#3321 )
remove code that deletes state from the store for rooms older than 24 hours (#3320 )
Correct off-by-one lost count on a restart. (#3337 )
Do not send DD extension if ID is 0. (#3339 )
allocate node for autocreated room in agent dispatch (#3344 )
Do not seed if stream is already writable. (#3347 )
Clone pending tracks to prevent concurrent update. (#3359 )
Resolve newer participant using higher precision join time. (#3360 )
Resolve FromAsCasing warning in Dockerfile (#3356 )
pass RoomConfig along when creating a new dispatch rule (#3367 )
Reduce chances of metadata cache overflow. (#3369 , #3370 )
ReconnectResponse getting mutated due to mutation of client conf. (#3379 )
fire TrackSubscribed event only when subscriber is visible (#3378 )
fix internal signal protocol backward compatibility with 1.7.x (#3384 )
Correct reason for poor/lost score. (#3397 )
Do not skip due to large RR interval. (#3398 )
Update config.go to properly process bool env vars (#3382 )
consolidated mime type checks (#3407 , #3418 )
Ignore unknown mime in dynacast manager. (#3419 )
Fix timing issue between track republish (#3428 )
Catch up if the diff is exactly (1 << 16) also. (#3433 )
Don't drop message if calculate duration is too small (#3442 )
Dependent participants should not trigger count towards FirstJoinedAt (#3448 )
Fix codec regression failed after migration (#3455 )
Do not revoke track subscription on permission update for exempt participants. (#3458 )
Remove duplicate SSRC get. (#3318 )
Exempt egress participant from track permissions. (#3322 )
Use nano time for easier (and hopefully) faster checks/calculations. (#3323 )
move unrolled mime type check for broader use (#3326 )
Request key frame if subscribed is higher than max seen and not congested. (#3348 )
Request key frame on subscription change. (#3349 )
Room creation time with ms resolution (#3362 )
close signal session is request messages are undeliverable (#3364 )
Declare congestion none only if both methods are in DQR. (#3372 )
Clone TrackInfo to TrackPublishRequested event. (#3377 )
Run bandwidth estimation when congestion is relieved also (#3380 )
move ConnectedAt to Participant interface (#3383 )
Starting on padding for RTX stream is accepted. (#3390 )
Adjust receiver report sequence number to be within range of highest. (#3396 )
Split down stream snapshot into sender view and receiver view. (#3422 )
Seed on receiving forwarder state. (#3435 )
Give more cache for RTX. (#3438 )
Properly initialise DD layer selector. (#3467 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.