MakiePublication.jl is a Julia package for producing publication quality figures based on Makie.jl. It aims to provide equivalent functionalities as the Python package mpltex.
Read the full documentation here.
- Provide a collection of custom themes for journal publishers (ACS, APS, RSC) and some individual journals (JCAP, JHEP).
- Custom theme for making figures suitable for web pages.
- 15 color palettes based on well-known quality color schemes with special tweaked ordering for scientific publishing. (since v0.3.0)
- Support hollow markers. (since v0.3.1)
MakiePublication can be installed from the Julia REPL.
julia> # Press the key "]"
(@v1.8) pkg> add MakiePublication
MakiePublication provides a number of theme_*
methods to generate themes (Makie.Theme
instances) which can be given to Makie's theming methods: set_theme!
, update_theme!
, and with_theme
. A typical usage pattern is
using MakiePublication
using CairoMakie
with_theme(theme_web()) do
lines(0..10, sin)
lines!(0..10, cos)
Or if you have a more complicated plotting function,
function myplot()
fig = Figure(figure_padding=(2, 6, 1, 6))
ax = Axis(fig, xlabel=L"x", ylabel=L"f(x)")
lines!(ax, 0..10, sin)
lines!(ax, 0..10, cos)
fig[1,1] = ax
with_theme(myplot, theme_web())
Check out the documentation for more details.
The default color cycle is 10-color seanborn_deep (since v0.2.3). MakiePublication also provides 15 carefully chosen color palettes based on well-known palettes, such as tab10
, tableau_10
, Makie.wong_colors
, okabe_ito
, etc. The colors in each palette has been reordered if necessary to be consistent with the order of the default matplotlib color palette, tab10
. The order is: blue, orange, green, red, purple, brown, pink, gray, yellow, and cyan. You can choose it from the array MakiePublication.COLORS
and use it like this:
with_theme(myplot, theme_web(colors=MakiePublication.COLORS[5]))
Or obtain the color palette by calling a function:
with_theme(myplot, theme_web(colors=MakiePublication.tol_bright()))
The demonstration of available color palettes can be found in the Pluto notebook doc/makiepub_colors.jl.html
Note the difference of physical size among figures. APS figures have ticks on all four axes (new in v0.4.1).
for American Chemical Society (ACS)
for American Physical Society (APS) and American Institute of Physics (AIP)
for Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
The full documentation is available here.
- Star the package on
- File an issue or make a pull request on
- Pull requests of new schemes for other publishers and journals are highly appreciated.
- Contact the author via email [email protected].