Useful angular Unit conversion pipes
Inspired by, Angular 6 updated version
Supported TempConversions pipes- C-F, C-K, F-C, F-K, K-F, K-C
C -> Celsius,
F -> Fahrenheit
K -> Kelvin
Example: Celsius To Fahrenheit Conversion: {{temperature | TempConversions:'C-F'}}
Supported Mass/Weight pipes- G-KG, G-LB, G-OZ, KG-G, KG-LB, KG-OZ, LB-G, LB-KG, LB-OZ, OZ-G, OZ-KG,OZ-LB
G -> Gram
KG -> KiloGram
LB -> Pound
OZ -> Ounce
Example: Weight Kg to LB Conversion: {{ mass| massConversions:'KG-LB':2}}
Supported LengthConversions pipes- FT-CM, FT-M, FT-IN, FT-MI, FT-YD, IN-FT, IN-M, IN-MI, IN-YD, IN-CM, CM-FT,CM-IN, CM-M, CM-YD, CM-MI, MM-IN, IN-MM, M-FT, M-IN, M-CM, MI-IN, MI-FT, MI-CM, YD-FT, YD-IN, YD-CM
MM -> Milimeter
CM -> Centimeter
M -> Meter
IN -> Inches
FT -> Foot(Feet)
MI -> Mile
YD -> Yard
Example: LengthConversions from CM to Inches: {{length | lengthConversions:'CM-IN'}
Removed from the original version are the decimal length and the unit name. The values input and the output are both number. That way we can format the value with the next pipe.
To build, download the Angular workspace and run "ng build metric-conversion-pipes --prod && copyfiles dist/metric-conversion-pipes/" in workspace folder. copyfile ->