less.js in symfony.
sfLESSPlugin is a plugin for symfony applications. It's descendant of sfLessPhpPlugin, but with LESS2 compiler in mind.
It can do most of less.js
- Automatically parse your application
files through LESS and outputs CSS files; - Automatically include your application
files into page source & enable browser-side LESS parsing.
LESS extends CSS with: variables, mixins, operations and nested rules. For more information, see http://lesscss.org.
less.js is LESS2. It's written on pure JavaScript & can be runned on both sides - in browser or in node.js.
Use this to install sfLESSPlugin:
$ symfony plugin:install sfLESSPlugin
Use this to install as a plugin in a symfony app:
$ cd plugins && git clone git://github.com/everzet/sfLESSPlugin.git
Use this if you prefer to use git submodules for plugins:
$ git submodule add git://github.com/everzet/sfLESSPlugin.git plugins/sfLESSPlugin
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
and enable plugin in your ProjectConfigurations class.
After installation, you need to create directory web/less
. Any LESS file placed in this directory, including subdirectories, will
automatically be parsed through LESS and saved as a corresponding CSS file in web/css
. Example:
web/less/clients/screen.less => web/css/clients/screen.css
If you prefix a file with an underscore, it is considered to be a partial, and will not be parsed unless included in another file. Example:
<file: web/less/clients/partials/_form.less>
@text_dark: #222;
<file: web/less/clients/screen.less>
@import "partials/_form";
input { color: @text_dark; }
The example above will result in a single CSS file in web/css/clients/screen.css
sfLESSPlugin can use 2 workflows to manage your *.less files:
- Compile on browser side by
; - Compile on server side by
For both flows, you need to update your layout files (at least the ones using less stylesheets):
include the less css helper:
<?php use_helper('LESS'); ?>
update the way stylesheets are included by changing
<?php include_stylesheets() ?>
for<?php include_less_stylesheets() ?>
This is default plugin behaviour. In this behaviour, all stylesheets ending with .less
, added in:
configs:stylesheets: [header/main.less]
a template view file:
<?php use_stylesheet('header/main.less') ?>
In this case, it will be automatically changed from something like:
<link href="/css/header/main.less" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
to link like:
<link href="/less/header/main.less" media="screen" rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/css" />
and will add link to less.js
into javascripts list.
This will cause browser to parse your linked less files on the fly through less.js
In details, sfLESSPlugin server side compiler does the following:
- Recursively looks for LESS (
) files inweb/less
- Ignores partials (prefixed with underscore:
) - these can be included with@import
in your LESS files - Saves the resulting CSS files to
using the same directory structure asweb/less
You have to install 2 packages:
- server side interp., based on Google V8 JS engine;less.js
. You can install this with Node Package Manager (npm install less
After that, enable server behavior & disable browser behavior in app.yml
compile: true
use_js: false
In this case, sfLESSPlugin will try to find all your less files inside web/less/*.less
& compile them into web/css/*.css
, so you can link your less styles as default css stylesheets:
stylesheets: [main.css]
or (best way) with:
stylesheets: [main.less]
so include_less_stylesheets
helper will automatically change .less
extension to .css
, but you still will have ability to change compiler type (server side <-> browser side) on the fly with single change in app.yml
sfLESSPlugin server side compiler rechecks web/less/*.less
at every routes init. To prevent this, add this in your apps/APP/config/app.yml:
compile: false
sfLESSPlugin server side compiler checks the dates of LESS & CSS files, and will by default compile again only if LESS file have been changed since last parsing .
When you use @import
statements in your LESS files to include partials (styles with _
prefix), you should also turn on dependencies checking (because, less compiler will not rerun on partials change) in one of you app.yml:
check_dates: true
check_dependencies: true
warning: Checking for the dependencies will affect performances and should not be turned on in production
The safest (but probably slowest) option is to enforce everytime compiling:
check_dates: false
Also, sfLESSPlugin server side compiler has Web Debug Panel, from which you can view all styles to compile & can open them for edit in prefered editor. For that you need to configure sf_file_link_format
in settings.yml
Last but not least, you can enable CSS compression (remove of whitespaces, tabs & newlines) in server side compiler with:
use_compression: true
In order to workaround a flaw in the less compiler you can use the following option:
fix_duplicate: true
sfLESSPlugin server side compiler provides a set of CLI tasks to help compiling your LESS styles.
To parse all LESS files and save the resulting CSS files to the destination path, run:
$ symfony less:compile
To delete all compiled CSS (only files, that been compiled from LESS files) files before parsing LESS, run:
$ symfony less:compile --clean
If you want to compress CSS files after compilation, run:
$ symfony less:compile --compress
Also, by default tasks don't use settings from app.yml such as "path". But you can specify application option to tell compiler from which app to get config:
$ symfony less:compile --application=frontend
If you want to compile specific file, not all, just use argument & file name without ".less". To compile style.less into style.css, just run:
$ symfony less:compile style
- everzet (lead): http://github.com/everzet
- vicb (contributor): http://github.com/vicb
less.js is maintained by Alexis Sellier http://github.com/cloudhead
- updated readme & some refactorings
- dependency check improvements
- [client side] less.js updated to version 1.0.33
- added an helper to include less stylesheets in layouts / templates
- [client side] less javascript updated to version 1.0.30
- [server side] added a visual feedback in the debug bar when some files have been compiled
- [server side] added an optional dependency check