- [] import express and assign to variable
- [] setup start port variable (5000) and start function
- [] get connection string
- [] setup .env with MONGO_URL variable and assign the value
- [] import 'dotenv' and setup package
- [] import connect() and invoke in the starter
- [] restart the server
- [] mongoose V6 info
- [] setup / GET Route
- [] setup express.json() middleware
- [] setup 404 and errorHandler middleware
- [] import 'exress-async-errors' package
- [] create models folder and User.js file
- [] create schema with name,email, password (all type:String)
- [] export mongoose model
- [] create controllers folder
- [] add authController file
- [] export (register,login,logout) functions
- [] res.send('some string value')
- [] create routes folder
- [] setup authRoutes file
- [] import all controllers
- [] setup three routes
- [] post('/register') post('/login') get('/logout')
- [] import authRoutes as authRouter in the app.js
- [] setup app.use('/api/v1/auth', authRouter)
- [] create user
- [] send response with entire user (only while testing)
- [] check if email already in use (schema and controller)
- [] ignore 'role'
- [] alternative 'admin' setup
- [] UserSchema.pre('save') - hook
- this points to User
- bcrypt.genSalt - number of rounds
- bcrypt.hash
- [] require 'jsonwebtoken' package
- [] create jwt - jwt.sign(payload,secret,options)
- [] verify jwt - jwt.verify(token,secret)
- [] add variables in .env JWT_SECRET=jwtSecret and JWT_LIFETIME=1d
- [] restart the server !!!!
- [] refactor code, create jwt functions in utils
- [] refactor cookie code
- [] setup func attachCookiesToResponse
- [] accept payload(res, tokenUser)
- [] create token, setup cookie
- [] optionally send back the response
- [] check if email and password exist, if one missing return 400
- [] find user, if no user return 401
- [] check password, if does not match return 401
- [] if everything is correct, attach cookie and send back the same response as in register
- [] set token cookie equal to some string value
- [] set expires:new Date(Date.now())
- [] add userController file
- [] export (getAllUsers,getSingleUser,showCurrentUser,updateUser,updateUserPassword) functions
- [] res.send('some string value')
- [] setup userRoutes file
- [] import all controllers
- [] setup just one route - router.route('/').get(getAllUsers);
- [] import userRoutes as userRouter in the app.js
- [] setup app.use('/api/v1/users', userRouter)
- [] Get all users where role is 'user' and remove password
- [] Get Single User where id matches id param and remove password
- [] If no user 404
- [] hardcode
- [] introduce params
- [] get user from req
- [] send response with user
- [] almost identical to login user
- [] add authenticateUser middleware in the route
- [] check for oldPassword and newPassword in the body
- [] if one missing 400
- [] look for user with req.user.userId
- [] check if oldPassword matches with user.comparePassword
- [] if no match 401
- [] if everything good set user.password equal to newPassword
- [] await user.save()
- [] create a file in utils (createTokenUser)
- [] setup a function that accepts user object and returns userToken object
- [] export as default
- [] setup all the correct imports/exports and refactor existing code
- [] add authenticateUser middleware in the route
- [] check for name and email in the body
- [] if one is missing, send 400 (optional)
- [] use findOneAndUpdate()
- [] create token user, attachCookiesToResponse and send back the tokenUser
- [] create Product.js in models folder
- [] create Schema
- [] name : {type:String}
- [] price: {type:Number}
- [] description: {type:String}
- [] image: {type:String}
- [] category: {type:String}
- [] company: {type:String}
- [] colors: {type:[]}
- [] featured: {type:Boolean}
- [] freeShipping: {type:Boolean}
- [] inventory:{type:Number}
- [] averageRating:{type:Number}
- [] user
- [] set timestamps
- [] export Product model
- [] add productController file in controllers
- [] export (createProduct, getAllProducts, getSingleProduct, updateProduct, deleteProduct, uploadImage) functions
- [] res.send('function name')
- [] setup productRoutes file in routes
- [] import all controllers
- [] only getAllProducts and getSingleProduct accessible to public
- [] rest only by admin (setup middlewares)
- [] typical setup
- [] router.route('/uploadImage').post(uploadImage)
- [] import productRoutes as productRouter in the app.js
- [] setup app.use('/api/v1/products', productRouter)
- [] create user property on req.body and set it equal to userId (req.user)
- [] pass req.body into Product.create
- [] send back the product
- [] getAllProducts
- [] getSingleProduct
- [] updateProduct
- [] deleteProduct
- [] typical CRUD, utilize (task or job) project
- [] remember we check already for role 'admin'
- [] if some question, re-watch 07-file-upload
- [] images folder with two images
- [] create Review.js in models folder
- [] create Schema
- [] rating : {type:Number}
- [] title: {type:String}
- [] comment: {type:String}
- [] user
- [] product
- [] set timestamps
- [] export Review model
- [] add reviewController file in controllers
- [] export (createReview, getAllReviews, getSingleReview, updateReview, deleteReview) functions
- [] res.send('function name')
- [] setup reviewRoutes file in routes
- [] import all controllers
- [] only getAllReviews and getSingleReview accessible to public
- [] rest only to users (setup middleware)
- [] typical REST setup
- [] import reviewRoutes as reviewRouter in the app.js
- [] setup app.use('/api/v1/reviews', reviewRouter)
- [] check for product in the req.body
- [] attach user property (set it equal to req.user.userId) on to req.body
- [] create review
- [] don't test yet
- [] both public routes, typical setup
- [] get id from req.params
- [] check if review exists
- [] if no review, 404
- [] check permissions (req.user, review.user)
- [] use await review.remove()
- [] send back 200
- [] get id from req.params
- [] get {rating, title comment} from req.body
- [] check if review exists
- [] if no review, 404
- [] check permissions
- [] set review properties equal to rating, title, comment
- [] use await review.save()
- [] send back 200
- [] create Order.js in models folder
- [] create Schema
- [] tax : {type:Number}
- [] shippingFee: {type:Number}
- [] subtotal: {type:Number}
- [] total: {type:Number}
- [] orderItems:[]
- [] status:{type:String}
- [] user
- [] clientSecret:{type:String}
- [] paymentId:{type:String}
- [] set timestamps
- [] export Order model
- [] add orderController file in controllers
- [] export (getAllOrders, getSingleOrder, getCurrentUserOrders, createOrder, updateOrder) functions
- [] res.send('function name')
- [] setup orderRoutes file in routes
- [] import all controllers
- [] authenticate user in all routes
- [] getAllOrders admin only
- [] typical REST setup
- [] router.route('/showAllMyOrders').get(getCurrentUserOrders)
- [] import orderRoutes as orderRouter in the app.js
- [] setup app.use('/api/v1/orders', orderRouter)
- [] most complex
- [] getAllOrders - admin only
- [] getSingleOrder - checkPermissions
- [] find orders where user is equal to req.user.userId
- [] get order id
- [] get paymentIntentId (req.body)
- [] get order
- [] if does not exist - 404
- [] check permissions
- [] set paymentIntentId and status as 'paid'
- [] order.save()
- [] [Docgen Library] (https://github.com/thedevsaddam/docgen)
- [] Export Postman Collection
- [] docgen build -i fileName.json -o index.html
- [] create index.html in public
- [] express-rate-limiter
- [] helmet
- [] xss-clean
- [] express-mongo-sanitize
- [] cors (cookies!!!!)
- [] heroku account and heroku cli
- [] remove/copy from the main repo
- [] add dev command "nodemon app.js"
- [] change start to "node app.js"
- [] setup node version in package.json
- [] "engines": {"node": "14.x"}
- [] Procfile "web: node app.js"
- [] remove existing git repo
- [] rm -rf .git - mac,
- [] git init
- [] git add .
- [] git commit -m "initial commit"
- [] heroku login
- [] heroku create "App Name"
- [] git remote -v
- [] setup env vars in GUI
- [] git push heroku master/main