This is a library of several useful functions which I find I use multiple times. By putting them into individual files, it's easy to only include those modules needed
There are currently three sets of functonality
KSP_Log A simple set of logging methods
KSP_ColorPicker Provides a color picker for use by mods. Comes with 5 different textures the user can switch between to find one he/she prefers
KSP_PartHighlighter Provides a way to add highlighting to parts on vessels
ButtonManager Manages multiple mods remapping the same button
KSP_Log public enum LEVEL { OFF = 0, ERROR = 1, WARNING = 2, INFO = 3, DETAIL = 4, TRACE = 5 };
public Log(string title) Instantiates a new log instance, title is used in the log lines
public void setTitle(string t) If you need to change the title
public LEVEL GetLevel() Get current logging level
public void SetLevel(LEVEL level)
public LEVEL GetLogLevel() same as GetLevel()
private bool IsLevel(LEVEL level)
public bool IsLogable(LEVEL level)
The following all write data to the log file if the logging level permits
public void Trace(String msg)
public void Detail(String msg)
[ConditionalAttribute("DEBUG") public void Info(String msg) These two are only active when compiled
[ConditionalAttribute("DEBUG")] public void Test(String msg) in a debug mode
public void Warning(String msg)
public void Error(String msg)
public void Exception(Exception e)
This mod provides a simple ColorPicker for a mod. It doesn't do anything by
itself, it is a tool to be used by another mod.
This was originally written for use in the OSE Workshop, and is use by
both OSE Workshop and the PWB Fuel Balander mods
Note that there is a Unity class called ColorPicker. In order to differentiate
this mod, it's called KSP_ColorPicker
public static bool showPicker { get; };
public static bool success { get; };
public static Color SelectedColor { get; };
public void PingTime()
public static KSP_ColorPicker CreateColorPicker(Color initialColor, string texturePath, bool activePingsNeeded = true)
public static KSP_ColorPicker CreateColorPicker(Color initialColor, string texturePath = null, bool activePingsNeeded = true, bool destroyOnClose = true)
public static KSP_ColorPicker CreateColorPicker(Color initialColor, bool useDefinedPosition = false, string texturePath = null,
int pLeft = 0, int pTop = 0, bool activePingsNeeded = true, bool destroyOnClose = true)
public bool UseKSPskin { private get; set; } = true;
KSP_PartHighlighter A small minimod which will highlight specified parts in a flashing pattern. Speed is configurable
public static PartHighlighter CreatePartHighlighter()
public int CreateHighlightList(float interval, Color c)
public int CreateHighlightList(float interval = 1f)
public bool DestroyHighlightList(int id)
public bool SetHighlighting(int id, bool active)
public bool HighlightSinglePart(Color highlightC, Color edgeHighlightColor, Part p)
public bool AddPartToHighlight(int id, Part p)
public bool DisablePartHighlighting(int id, Part part)
public bool UpdateHighlightColors(int id, Color newHighlightColor)
ButtonManager public static int AddListener(Button button, UnityAction delegateMethod, string modName, string modDisplayName, int priority = 5); public static void InitializeListener(Button button, UnityAction gameDelegateMethod, string modName = null); public static void InvokeNextDelegate(int currentDelegateId, string modName);
InitializeListener Initializes the mod to work with the specified button.
The delegate should be the same as what the default is, it will have the lowest priority
AddListener Adds a delegate to a button with a specified priority. Returns a listenerId, used below
InvokeNextDelegate Tells the mod to call the next delegate on the list