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Arch Linux Packages for AArch64 Surface Devices


Linux firmware package with additions and changes for the Surface Pro X. See for more information.


Linux kernel packages for the Surface Pro X. Use makepkg-aarch64 to cross-compile from any host, e.g. x86_64. Set MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" (or similar) to use all available cores for building.


makepkg-aarch64 command for (cross-)compiling Arch Linux AArch64 packages from any host system (e.g. x86_64). Warning: This will only work for some packages. In particular, this will not work for packages linking to external libraries.


Patched Qualcomm Remote File System (rmtfs) service. Uses dummy files instead of vendor-provided EFS partitions. This is currently required on the Surface Pro X as the EFS partitions are not available to us yet.


Signed Secure-Boot shim.efi executable and associated tools for AArch64, as provided by openSUSE (