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LinTO-Punctuation is a LinTO service for punctuation prediction. It predicts punctuation from raw text or raw transcription.

LinTO-Punctuation can either be used as a standalone punctuation service or deployed as a micro-service.

Table of content



The punctuation service relies on a trained recasing and punctuation prediction model.

Some models trained on Common Crawl are available on recasepunc for the following the languages:


The punctuation service requires docker up and running.

For GPU capabilities, it is also needed to install nvidia-container-toolkit.

(micro-service) Service broker

The punctuation only entry point in job mode are tasks posted on a REDIS message broker using Celery.


linto-punctuation can be deployed two different ways:

  • As a standalone punctuation service through an HTTP API.
  • As a micro-service connected to a task queue.

1- First step is to build the image:

git clone
cd linto-punctuation
docker build . -t linto-punctuation:latest


docker pull

2- Download the models

Have the punctuation model ready at <MODEL_PATH>.


1- Fill the .env

cp .env_default .env

Fill the .env with your values.


Variables Description Example
SERVICE_NAME The service's name my_punctuation_service
CONCURRENCY Number of worker > 1

2- Run with docker

docker run --rm \
-v <MODEL_PATH>:/usr/src/app/model-store/model \
--env-file .env \

Also add --gpus all as an option to enable GPU capabilities.

This will run a container providing an http API binded on the host HOST_SERVING_PORT port.


LinTO-Punctuation can be deployed as a microservice. Used this way, the container spawn celery workers waiting for punctuation tasks on a dedicated task queue. LinTO-Punctuation in task mode requires a configured REDIS broker.

You need a message broker up and running at MY_SERVICE_BROKER. Instance are typically deployed as services in a docker swarm using the docker compose command:

1- Fill the .env

cp .env_default .env

Fill the .env with your values.


Variables Description Example
SERVICES_BROKER Service broker uri redis://my_redis_broker:6379
BROKER_PASS Service broker password (Leave empty if there is no password) my_password
QUEUE_NAME (Optionnal) overide the generated queue's name (See Queue name bellow) my_queue
SERVICE_NAME Service's name punctuation-ml
LANGUAGE Language code as a BCP-47 code en-US or * or languages separated by "|"
MODEL_INFO Human readable description of the model "Bert based model for french punctuation prediction"
CONCURRENCY Number of worker (1 worker = 1 cpu) >1

Do not use spaces or character "_" for SERVICE_NAME or language.

2- Fill the docker-compose.yml


version: '3.7'

    image: linto-punctuation:latest
      - /my/path/to/models/punctuation.mar:/usr/src/app/model-store/model
    env_file: .env
      replicas: 1
      - your-net

    external: true

3- Run with docker compose

docker stack deploy --resolve-image always --compose-file docker-compose.yml your_stack

Queue name:

By default the service queue name is generated using SERVICE_NAME and LANGUAGE: punctuation_{LANGUAGE}_{SERVICE_NAME}.

The queue name can be overided using the QUEUE_NAME env variable.

Service discovery:

As a micro-service, the instance will register itself in the service registry for discovery. The service information are stored as a JSON object in redis's db0 under the id service:{HOST_NAME}.

The following information are registered:

  "service_name": $SERVICE_NAME,
  "host_name": $HOST_NAME,
  "service_type": "punctuation",
  "service_language": $LANGUAGE,
  "queue_name": $QUEUE_NAME,
  "version": "1.2.0", # This repository's version
  "info": "Punctuation model for french punctuation prediction",
  "last_alive": 65478213,
  "concurrency": 1




Returns the state of the API

Method: GET

Returns "1" if healthcheck passes.


Punctuation API

  • Method: POST
  • Response content: text/plain or application/json
  • Body: A json object structured as follows:
  "sentences": [
    "this is sentence 1", "is that a second sentence", "yet an other sentence"

Return the punctuated text as a json object structured as follows:

  "punctuated_sentences": [
    "This is sentence 1",
    "Is that a second sentence ?",
    "Yet an other sentence"


The /docs route offers a OpenAPI/swagger interface.

Using Celery

Punctuation-Worker accepts celery tasks with the following arguments: text: Union[str, List[str]]

  • text: (str or list) A sentence or a list of sentences.

Return format

Returns a string or a list of string depending on the input parameter.



You can test you http API using curl:

curl -X POST "http://YOUR_SERVICE:YOUR_PORT/punctuation" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{  \"sentences\": [    \"this is sentence 1\", \"is that a second sentence\", \"yet an other sentence\"  ]}"


This project is developped under the AGPLv3 License (see LICENSE).


  • recasepunc Python library to train recasing and punctuation models, and to apply them (License BSD 3).