Yet another ping exporter.
- Uses Prometheus multi-target export pattern
- IPv4 and IPv6
- UDP and ICMP
This ping exporter is simple and fills a gap in the ping exporter market just by supporting the multi-target export pattern. No additional prober configuration is needed, as many other ping exporters require. A scrape job will take care of all configuration.
Parameter Name | Description | Default | Acceptable Values |
target |
What to ping | none | Any hostname or IPv4/v6 address |
timeout |
How long the entire ping job should run before returning | 10s | Any time.Duration value |
interval |
How long to wait between pings | 1s | Any time.Duration value |
count |
How many pings to send | 5 | Any integer value |
size |
The size of the packet | 56 | Any integer value between 24 and 65507 |
TTL of the packet | 64 | Any time.Duration value |
protocol , prot |
IPv4 or IPv6 | 1s | v6 , 6 , ip6 (all other values considered to be IPv4) |
packet |
UDP or ICMP (ICMP requires root in most cases) | icmp |
icmp (all other values considered to be udp ) |
Metric Name | Type | Description |
ping_duration_seconds | gauge | Returns how long the probe took to complete in seconds |
ping_loss_ratio | gauge | Packet loss from 0 to 100 |
ping_rtt_avg_seconds | gauge | Mean round trip time |
ping_rtt_max_seconds | gauge | Worst round trip time |
ping_rtt_min_seconds | gauge | Best round trip time |
ping_rtt_std_deviation | gauge | Standard deviation |
ping_success | gauge | Returns whether the ping succeeded (if any packet returns this is successful) |
ping_timeout | gauge | Returns whether the ping failed by timeout |
Standard Prometheus webserver metrics, plus ping_exporter_version_info
- job_name: 'ping_exporter_metrics'
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 15s
- targets: ['']
- job_name: 'prober'
metrics_path: '/probe'
scrape_interval: 15s
scrape_timeout: 15s
protocol: ['4']
count: ['5']
interval: ['1s']
honor_labels: True
- targets:
# Set the exporter's target
- source_labels: [__address__]
target_label: __param_target
# Set address label to instance
- source_labels: [__address__]
target_label: instance
# Actually talk to the blackbox exporter
- target_label: __address__
# If we set a custom instance label, write it to the
# expected instance label
- source_labels: [__instance]
target_label: instance
regex: '(.+)'
replacement: '${1}'
Substitute {{ version }}
for your desired release.
wget{{ version }}/prometheus-ping-exporter_{{ version }}_linux_amd64.{deb,rpm}
{dpkg,rpm} -i prometheus-ping-exporter_{{ version }}_linux_amd64.{deb,rpm}
sudo docker run \
--privileged \
wget{{ version }}/ping_exporter_{{ version }}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar xvf ping_exporter_{{ version }}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
wget{{ version }}.tar.gz
tar xvf ping_exporter-{{ version }}.tar.gz
cd ./ping_exporter-{{ version }}
go build ping_exporter.go
There are many other good ping exporters, please give them a look too:
- Merge commits to main.
- Tag release
git tag -a v1.0.X -m "message"
git push origin v1.0.X
goreleaser release
Special thanks to stalloneclone for supplying the idea and initial code for the project!