Expose Resources from a SPARQL Server as Linked Data.
This project shall provide a minimal usable extendable implementation and serve as an example.
You can build slds directly with maven or use Docker.
Run the following command:
mvn install -P executable
this will create an executable jar e.g. slds-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
in the target
Run the executable jar with one argument pointing to the configuration in a turtle file, for example
java -jar slds-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-executable.jar ../example-config.ttl
You can build a docker image named slds
docker build -t slds .
The image will launch slds with /config.ttl
as configuration by default. The easiest way to start it with you own config is to mount a file from your local filesystem at that location. You can then run the image with something like:
docker run -ti -p 5000:5000 -v C:\Users\me\path\to\config.ttl:/config.ttl slds
The configuration file is a Turtle file with one resource matching the IRI of
the location of the file, i.e. the resource which can be referred in Turtle as
@prefix slds: <http://vocab.linked.solutions/slds#> .
Defining the slds
prefix makes the rest of the file more compact and easier
to read.
slds:port 5000 ;
slds:resourceDescriptionProvider [
slds:javaClass "solutions.linked.slds.providers.GraphAndContext";
slds:sparqlEndpoint <https://lindasprd.netrics.ch:8443/lindas/query>
The above defines the port on which SLDS shall listen and the SPARQL Endpoint SLDS shall query.
slds:port 5000 ;
slds:resourceDescriptionProvider [
slds:javaClass "solutions.linked.slds.providers.GraphAndContext";
slds:sparqlEndpoint <https://lindasprd.netrics.ch:8443/lindas/query>
slds:iriTranslators (
slds:backendPrefix "http://treatment.plazi.org/";
slds:frontendPrefix "http://localhost:5000/"
slds:backendPrefix "http://publication.plazi.org/";
slds:frontendPrefix ""
Unless the resources in the triple store already have the URIs under which they are to be published IRI-Translation rules are required. The above two additional properties define how the prefixes in the IRIs served by SLDS (frontend-prefix) map to prefixes in the IRIs in the triple store (backend-prefix).
slds:userName "public" ;
slds:password "public".
If the SPARQL endpoint needs authentication the username and password can be specified as properties of the SPARQL Endpoint resource itself.
SLDS conatains code to accept any SSL certificate the SPARQL Server (or the man
in the middle) uses. Override ConfigUtils.createHttpClient()
for some serious