- Using React(TS), Material UI, Recharts, Redux Toolkit to build a Financial App Dashboard that has 10 more charts, data grids, and regression prediction chart for front-end main page. For the backend Node.js is runtime, Express.js is backend framework, and MongoDB for database.
🔗 URL: https://financial-app-dashboard.vercel.app/
- Front-end
- Vite for starter application.
- React with Typescript.
- Material UI for component library.
- Redux Toolkit for state management.
- React Router for routing and navigation.
- Recharts for multiple Charts.
- Eslint for code corectness checking.
- Regression for prediction.
- Back-end
- Node.js for runtime.
- Express.js for backend framework.
- MongoDB for database.
- Deploy
- front-end and back-end both use vercel to deploy.
- Version Control: Git/Github
😺 Link Hsu