Integration of PHP CS Fixer on Vim Editor
Supports PHP CS Fixer command execution on directories or files
Note: The plug-in is implemented using
, which requires vim9.0 or above to support the plug-in.
on .vimrc
you can configure this:
# php-cs-fixer file path(must)
# download:
g:phpCsFixerPath = expand('~/php/php-cs-fixer-v3.phar')
# apply rules, content consistent with PHP CS Fixer --rules option
# Common Rule Group: @PSR2,@PSR12,@PER-CS,@Symfony,@PhpCsFixer
# default: '@PSR12'
g:phpCsFixerRules = '@PhpCsFixer'
# php interpreter path(default: 'php')
# g:phpCsFixerPhpPath = expand('~/php')
# --dry-run option(default: false)
# g:phpCsFixerIsDryRun = true
# --verbose option(default: false)
# g:phpCsFixerIsVerbose = true
# enable environment ignore (PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV)
# enable in case of incompatible php versions or missing extensions
# g:phpCsFixerIgnoreEnv = true
# remap
nnoremap <unique><silent><Leader>f <Plug>PhpCsFixerFixFile;
nnoremap <unique><silent><Leader>d <Plug>PhpCsFixerFixDir;
PHP Path
- Note: PHP interpreter path
- default:
- example:
g:phpCsFixerPhpPath = expand('~/php')
php-cs-fixer Path
- Note: PHP CS Fixer path(must)
- default:
- example:
g:phpCsFixerPath = expand('~/php/php-cs-fixer-v3.phar')
Download PHP CS Fixer
- Note: enable PHP CS Fixer option --dry-run
- default:
- example:
g:phpCsFixerIsDryRun = true
- Note: enable PHP CS Fixer option --verbose
- default:
- example:
g:phpCsFixerIsVerbose = true
- Note: settings PHP CS Fixer option --rules
- default:
- example:
g:phpCsFixerRules = '@PhpCsFixer'
Common Rule Group:
- Note: If not enabled in incompatible PHP versions or missing extensions, PHP CS fixer will not work
- default:
- example:
g:phpCsFixerIgnoreEnv = true
- single file fix function:
- directory fix function:
single fix file map
- key bindings:
- Note: fix current buffer file, filetype must be php.
- key bindings:
fix directory map
- key bindings:
- Note: fix the directory where the current buffer file is located or the label directory(php type file)
- key bindings:
you can remap, for example:
nnoremap <unique><silent><Leader>f <Plug>PhpCsFixerFixFile; nnoremap <unique><silent><Leader>d <Plug>PhpCsFixerFixDir;
Better mapping, if you have multiple code formatting tools, you can refer to this way to write
vim9script def g:RunCodeFormat() # Prettier supports many file types, here you can add or delete file types var prettierSupportTypes = [ 'javascript', 'typescript', 'json', 'markdown', 'css', 'html' ] var currentFiletype = &filetype if currentFiletype == 'php' execute 'call PhpCsFixerFixFile()' elseif prettierSupportTypes->index(currentFiletype) != -1 execute 'Prettier' endif enddef nnoremap <silent><Leader>f :call g:RunCodeFormat()<CR>
Vim 8+ packages
If you are using Vim version 8 or higher you can use its built-in package management; see :help packages
for more information. Just run these commands in your terminal:
git clone <vimfilesPath>/pack/store/start/vim-php-cs-fixer
vim -u NONE -c "helptags <vimfilesPath>/pack/store/start/vim-php-cs-fixer/doc" -c q