Solidity implementation of Sandclock's vaults, strategies, and peripheral contracts.
Read the contracts specification.
Got a bug to report? Reach out to us at [email protected].
Install and setup tenderly-cli.
The deployment setup of subgraph is documented in bin/reset-docker
section below, about the Docker dev setup)
Run docker-compose up
to get a full test environment with:
- a ganache node with contracts & fixtures deployed, reachable at
- a subgraph instance, with GraphiQL at
If you're making changes to contracts and/or deployment setup, you'll need to
re-deploy the contracts, as well as reset the indexed data from subgraph.
A helper script, bin/reset-docker
is provided which should take care of all
the steps.
First install Echidna.
$ echidna-test . --contract Echidna_Valid_Deposit --config contracts/echidna/Echidna_Deposit_Withdraw.yml
In order to initialize echidna install Etheno version etheno==0.3a1
and run:
$ etheno --ganache --ganache-args "--gasLimit=0x1fffffffffffff --chain.allowUnlimitedContractSize -e 1000000000" -x ./init.json --debug
In another terminal run one test, for example:
$ NODE_ENV=test yarn hardhat test test/strategy/liquity/LiquityStrategy.spec.ts --grep "emits a StrategyInvested event" --network etheno
Then Ctrl-C in the first terminal (twice) to save. The init.json
file may include duplicate contract deployments and furthermore some
contract deployments may be in the wrong order(contract referenced
before it was deployed). This needs to be corrected. Otherwise Echidna
will fail with errors such as:
VM failed for unhandled reason, Query <EVM.Query: fetch contract 0x0B1ba0af832d7C05fD64161E0Db78E85978E8082>.
We are also using Tenderly's Visual Debugger to debug local transactions efficiently.
First you need to create a tenderly account.
Then if not installed already, install tenderly-cli and log in.
To debug any transaction, just run:
$ bin/tenderly-debug <tx-hash>
with the tx-hash of the respective transaction you want to debug.
Check the deployments folder