This is a simple project to create data frames in spark for the data contained in retrosheets baseball archive. It is distributed as a python notebook.
This project owes a lot to the helpful comment here:
$ mkdir retrosheet-data
$ cd retrosheet-data
$ for yyyy in `seq 1910 10 2010`; do echo getting $yyyy; wget${yyyy}; done
$ for yyyy in `seq 1910 10 2010`; do mkdir ${yyyy}seve; done
$ for yyyy in `seq 1910 10 2010`; do unzip -d ${yyyy}seve ${yyyy}; done
This verion targets the latest python3 in brew at the moment (Python 3.6.5) and spark v2.3.0 running pyspark within jupyter.. You can do something akin to the following to get them installed.
$ brew install apache-spark
$ brew install python
$ pip3 install virtualenv
$ virtualenv .py
$ . .py/bin/activate
$ pip install jupyter
if you want to do the plotting example in [etrosheet-spark-queries.ipynb], then also install the following:
$ pip install plotly
PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=jupyter PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS='notebook' pyspark --executor-memory 2GB
Then run python notebook and execute each buffer, then query and enjoy!