Initialization code for the EEG/ET data from the Q1K project.
git clone
cd q1k_eeget_init
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install mne
pip install -r ./q1k_eeget_init/requirements.txt
pip install -e .
On a local computer navigate to the project path and download the raw session files to the sourcefiles folder
For example if the "q1k" folder is in your home directory:
cd ~/q1k/pilot/q1k-external-pilot
scp -r <username> sourcefiles
open the q1k_eeget_init.ipynb in VSCode and follow the instructions..
If it is the first task of the session being processed upload the entire folder... e.g.
scp -r ~/q1k/pilot/q1k-external-pilot/sub-012 <username>
If the session already has a folder on the remote cluster just upload the specific files... e.g.
scp -r ~/q1k/pilot/q1k-external-pilot/sub-012/ses-01/eeg/*_task-vp_* <username>
scp -r ~/q1k/pilot/q1k-external-pilot/sub-012/ses-01/*_scans.tsv <username>
... then running the pylossless pipeline on the raw BIDS session is handled by the q1k_pylossless package at...