Visual large screen starter template based on Vite + Vue3 + Vue-Router4 + Pinia + Unocss + Ant-design-vue + Auto imports.
- Vue3,Vite5 - Latest Frontend Technologies;
- Pinia - State Mangement;
- UnoCSS - Atomic CSS Engine;
- Mock - Built-in Mock data solution;
- unplugin - API, components auto import.
- postcss-px-to-viewport - Converting px units to viewport units
- vite-plugin-svg-icons - SVG icon management;
- vite-plugin-html - HTML processing;
- vite-plugin-compression - Compression configuration;
# install dependencies
npm install
# develop
npm run dev
# build
npm run build
# preview
npm run preview
Refer to the Vue specification
- feat new feature
- fix bug fix
- docs modify documentation
- style code style fix (white-space, formatting, missing semi colons, etc)
- refactor refactor code
- perf a code change that improves performance
- test when adding missing tests
- build changing project builds or external dependencies (such as webpack、gulp、npm and others)
- ci change scripts commands in configuration files and packages of continuous integration software, e.g. Travis, Circle, etc.
- chore changes to the build process or supporting tools (For example, changing the test environment)
- revert code revert