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+ 🚀 真白萌小说站 已经得到支持 🚀
+ 🚩 轻小说文库 已经得到支持 🚩


Crawl light novel from some websites and convert it to epub.

指标分类 指标集
Software Version Python VersionHatch project
Code Style flake8
Code Statistics Lines of code PyPI - Downloads
Code Activity Hits-of-Code GitHub commit activity
Code Quality Maintainability Test Coverage
CI Status Build and Publish


A picture is worth a thousand words. Talk is cheap, show me the real effect.


This demo uses this screen recorder tool to record.


  • flexible has_illustration and divide_volume option for epub output
  • support downloading a certain volume of a novel
  • built-in http request retry mechanism to improve network fault tolerance
  • built-in random browser user_agent through fake_useragent library
  • built-in strict integrity check about image download
  • built-in mechanism for saving temporary book data by pickle library
  • use asyncio/multiprocessing to download images
  • support adding custom css styles to epub


在愉快的自动化爬虫之前,有必要进行声明。 网页 Web 端总会存在请求错误,请求延迟,还需要不断手动来点击【下一页】按钮来浏览阅读,这无疑打断了正常的阅读 [心流]( 心流理論)。 此项目的初衷正是为了 ** 构造良好流畅、不间断的轻小说本地阅读体验 **。



Supported Websites (plan)

序号 网站名称 语言 爬虫难度 支持进度 备注 技术难点
1 哔哩轻小说(Mobile) 简 / 繁 中😰 不用登录 一章多页 JS 文本混淆 JS 文件随机 章节链接破损 Cloudflare 保护 限流
2 哔哩轻小说(Web) 简 / 繁 中😰 资源同 Mobile,没必要。 N/A
3 轻之国度 简 / 繁 高🤣 需要登录 轻币门槛 导航混乱
4 无限轻小说 中😰 不用登录 一章多页 N/A
5 轻小说文库 简 / 繁 低😆 不用登录 一章一页
6 轻小说百科 简 / 繁 低😆 不用登录 一章一页 插图清晰度低 N/A
7 真白萌 简 / 繁 中😰 一章一页 需要登录 积分购买 等级限制 CF turnstile 限流
8 百合会新站 简 / 繁 中😰 搁置 可选 [登录] 一章一页 付费章节需要登录 coin 购买


  1. 访问门槛。是否需要登陆、积分 / 代币购买,等级限制。
  2. 页面结构。一章多页,或者一章一页。

优质的轻小说目标源标准:资源丰富,更新迅速,插图清晰,爬虫门槛合理。可以在 issue 发起补充。


install from source

  1. clone this repo
git clone
  1. set up a clean local python venv

See also: creating-virtual-environments

replace py with your real python command if needed. e.g. python or python3.

# Make sure you are under this project root folder: linovelib2epub/
# The following instructions are based on Windows 10.
# If you use a different os, please adjust it according to the actual situation.

# new a venv
py -m venv .venv

# activate venv

# install dependencies
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# install this package in local
python -m pip install -e .

Some issues you might encounter during installation

Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required

See this link: Which Microsoft Visual C++ compiler to use with a specific Python version ?

Visual C++ CPython
14.x 3.5 - 3.12+
10.0 3.3 - 3.4
9.0 2.6 - 2.7, 3.0 - 3.2

The key point is:

  • Install Microsoft Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019. The version greater than 2019 may also can work.
  • In Build tools, install C++ build tools and ensure the latest versions of MSVCv142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools and Windows 10 SDK are checked.
  • The setuptools Python package version must be at least 34.4.0.

Could not find function xmlCheckVersion in library libxml2. Is libxml2 installed?

Rollback python version to 3.10.X can work. The exact root cause is unknown now.



target site:

2024-3-19 Update: Now linovelib also has a cloudflare access protection and requests rate limit. In order to decrease the probability of being banned by Linovelib, it is highly recommended to set the delay parameters as follows. You can tune the delay parameters to fit your actual network environment.

The Linovelib target requires OCR technique to recognize some paragraphs in html. You need to install tesseract on your local pc. Make sure the tesseract command works in your pc by appending its location to system/user variables.

LinovelibMobile has two language versions(zh/zh-CN or zh-TW/zh-HK) and two UI version(PC or mobile).

So the target website has 2 x 2 = 4 choices.

website version visit method support status target_site
PC 简体 browser set zh/zh-CN lang + click [简体化] ✅(recommend) TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC
PC 繁体 browser set zh/zh-CN lang + click [繁體化] TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC_TRADITIONAL
~~Mobile 简体 ~~ browser set zh/zh-CN lang TargetSite.LINOVELIB_MOBILE
Mobile 繁体 browser set zh-TW/zh-HK lang or not in Chinese Mainland network ✅*(recommend) TargetSite.LINOVELIB_MOBILE_TRADITIONAL

1.❌*: [2024-10-29]Now drission page library can only visit mobile traditional version.

2.The Button "简体化" in mobile traditional version does not work. So TargetSite.LINOVELIB_MOBILE target doesn't work. No workaround now.

Create a python file(e.g. and edit the content as follows:

Example usages:

  • Specify target_site:

The code below takes PC + zh/zh-CN version as an example, adjust as needed if your target version is different.

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC)

    # linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356,target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC_TRADITIONAL)

    # linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356,target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_MOBILE_TRADITIONAL)
  • Set delay-related parameters[mandatory]
from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub

if __name__ == '__main__':
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC)

The default value of chapter_crawl_delay and page_crawl_delay are None. You MUST set them to reasonable values.

The example code is as follows to set the value of all delay parameters.

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=3721, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC,
                                    chapter_crawl_delay=5, page_crawl_delay=5)
  • download only selected volume(s)[optional]
from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == "__main__":
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC,
  • disable network proxy[optional]

This project will disable any proxy settings when crawling. So you should manually activate it by disable_proxy=False if you want to use your local proxy.

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == "__main__":
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC,
  • view more details about crawling[optional]

Due to time sensitivity or environmental differences, web crawlers are very prone to failure. You can view more of the underlying details if turn on debug mode.

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == "__main__":
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC,

For more options, see the Options chapter below.

The following is a common crawler configuration that can be used as a reference.

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == "__main__":
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2356, target_site=TargetSite.LINOVELIB_PC,
                                    chapter_crawl_delay=5, page_crawl_delay=5,
                                    # disable_proxy=False,
                                    # log_level="DEBUG",

If it finished without errors, you can see the epub file is under the folder where your python file is located.


target site:

2024-02-22 Update: Now Masiro has a very strict cloudflare turnstile protection and requests rate limit. The code has been refactored to bypass the cloudflare turnstile using a python library called DrissionPage. DrissionPage will auto-detect and use Chrome browser. If you encounter a path error of Chrome browser, please set the browser_path parameter to Linovelib2Epub().

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=1039, target_site=TargetSite.MASIRO)

Or specify browser path:

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

# Chromium-based browser is ok
browser_path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=1039, target_site=TargetSite.MASIRO, browser_path=browser_path)

Masiro is not the default target site, so you MUST specify target_site parameter as above.

And Masiro website need user login credential to view novel. You also MUST to create a config file named .secrets.toml beside your python file For better explanation, Here's a reasonable directory organization:


Then edit your .secrets.toml file:

MASIRO_LOGIN_USERNAME = '<your-masiro-username>'
MASIRO_LOGIN_PASSWORD = '<your-masiro-password>'

🚨 Don't leak your private account info!!! Be careful.

Masiro 某些小说存在用户等级限制,程序执行会发生什么?


Masiro 某些小说的章节需要积分购买才能查看,程序会如何处理?


  • 如果当前挑选的所有章节都是免费积分,或者你之前已经全部购买过,那么程序会直接往下执行。
  • 如果当前挑选的所有章节存在需要积分购买的情况,程序会再次提示,要求做出选择,此时可以选择退出或者选择继续。


target site:

from linovelib2epub import Linovelib2Epub, TargetSite

if __name__ == '__main__':
    linovelib_epub = Linovelib2Epub(book_id=2961, target_site=TargetSite.WENKU8)

Don't need login, no threshold.


Parameters type required default description
book_id number YES None 书籍 ID。
chapter_crawl_delay number YES None 爬取每个章的延迟秒数 (s)。合理设置此参数可以降低被限流系统限制的频率。目标是 linovelib 时必须设置此参数。
page_crawl_delay number YES None 对于特定章,爬取每个页面的延迟秒数 (s)。合理设置此参数可以降低被限流系统限制的频率。目标是 linovelib 时必须设置此参数 。
target_site Enum YES None 参阅 TargetSite python 枚举类以及使用文档。
divide_volume boolean NO False 是否分卷
select_volume_mode boolean NO False 选择卷模式,它为 True 时 divide_volume 强制为 True。
has_illustration boolean NO True 是否下载插图
image_download_folder string NO "novel_images" 图片下载临时文件夹. 不允许以相对路径../ 开头。
pickle_temp_folder string NO "pickle" pickle 临时数据保存的文件夹。
clean_artifacts boolean NO True 是否删除临时数据 / 工件,指的是 pickle 和下载的图片文件。
crawling_contentid string NO None 用户自定义的正文内容的 id,用于快速响应网页结构变化,如何获取?。目前仅适用于 linovelib。
custom_style_cover string NO '' 自定义 cover.xhtml 的样式
custom_style_nav string NO '' 自定义 nav.xhtml 的样式
custom_style_chapter string NO '' 自定义每章 (?.xhtml) 的样式
disable_proxy boolean NO True 是否禁用所在的代理环境,默认禁用。如果你在本地使用网络代理,请务必留意是否应该设置该参数。
image_download_strategy string NO 'ASYNCIO' 枚举值:"ASYNCIO"、"MULTIPROCESSING"、"MULTITHREADING"(未实现)
image_download_max_epochs number NO 10 图片下载的最大尝试轮数。超过这个值则认为是网络中断或者源图片缺失,自动放弃。
browser_path string NO None 浏览器的本地绝对路径。
headless boolean NO False 是否显示浏览器窗口,默认为 False,即默认显示。目前仅哔哩轻小说支持该参数。
http_timeout number NO 10 一个 HTTP 请求的超时等待时间 (秒)。代表 connect 和 read timeout。目前仅应用于 linovelib 页面。
http_retries number NO 10 当一个 HTTP 请求失败后,重试的最大次数。 目前仅应用于 linovelib 页面。


Under the hood

Here are some description about internal mechanism of this project.

Target Site pages downloading page success condition challenge CloudFlare when page downloading images downloading use browser?
Bilinovel(linovelib) serial1 desired tag found No2 parallel DrissionPage
Masiro parallel3 desired tag found Yes parallel DrissionPage
Wenku8 parallel simple status 200 N/A parallel aiohttp


All Contributors


🐛 💻



Nikaidou Haruki
Nikaidou Haruki

🐛 💻



🐛 💻

🐛 💻





  1. Bilinovel pages downloading is serial because its some chapter urls are broken, and we need to fix them.

  2. Bilinovel doesn't challenge CF when downloading one page, maybe it will stagnate into a endless loop.

  3. Masiro pages downloading is parallel but the actual effect is equal to serial because its strict requests rate limit.