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ornicar committed Dec 26, 2024
2 parents 8acc4b7 + f3dafbd commit 9f760e8
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Showing 10 changed files with 235 additions and 8 deletions.
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion translation/dest/appeal/lt-LT.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="cleanAllGood">Jūsų paskyra nėra pažymėta ar apribota. Su ja viskas gerai!</string>
<string name="engineMarked">Jūsų paskyra pažymėta dėl išorinės pagalbos partijose.</string>
<string name="engineMarkedInfo">Mes tai apibrėžiame kaip bet kokios išorinės pagalbos naudojimą savo žinioms ir/ar skaičiavimo įgūdžiams sustiprinti, siekiant įgyti nesąžiningą pranašumą prieš savo varžovą. Daugiau informacijos rasite %s puslapyje.</string>
<string name="arenaBanned">Jūsų paskyrai uždrausta prisijungti prie arenų.</string>
<string name="prizeBanned">Jūsų paskyrai uždrausta dalyvauti turnyruose su realiais prizais.</string>
<string name="boosterMarked">Jūsų paskyra pažymėta dėl manipuliavimo reitingu.</string>
<string name="boosterMarkedInfo">Tai apibrėžiame kaip tyčinį manipuliavimą reitingu pralaimint partijas arba žaidžiant prieš kitą paskyrą, kuri sąmoningai pralaimi.</string>
<string name="accountMuted">Jūsų paskyra nutildyta.</string>
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion translation/dest/dgt/ast-ES.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="dgtBoard">Tableru DGT</string>
<string name="lichessAndDgt">Lichess &amp; DGT</string>
<string name="dgtBoardRequirements">Requerimientos del tableru DGT</string>
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion translation/dest/features/lt-LT.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="zeroAdsAndNoTracking">Nulis reklamos, jokio sekimo</string>
72 changes: 71 additions & 1 deletion translation/dest/preferences/ast-ES.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,72 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="preferences">Preferencies</string>
<string name="display">Amosar</string>
<string name="privacy">Privacidá</string>
<string name="notifications">Notificaciones</string>
<string name="pieceAnimation">Animación de les pieces</string>
<string name="materialDifference">Diferencia material</string>
<string name="boardHighlights">Destacar casielles del tableru (últimu movimientu y xaque)</string>
<string name="pieceDestinations">Destín de les pieces (movimientos válidos y antemanaos)</string>
<string name="boardCoordinates">Coordenaes del tableru (A-H, 1-8)</string>
<string name="moveListWhilePlaying">Llista de movimientos mientres la partida</string>
<string name="pgnPieceNotation">Notación de los movimientos</string>
<string name="chessPieceSymbol">Símbolu de la pieza</string>
<string name="pgnLetter">Inicial (n\'inglés) de la pieza (K, Q, R, B, N)</string>
<string name="zenMode" comment="zenMode&#10;&#10;This is not the religious meaning. Turning this option on takes away make elements of the user interface.&#10;&#10;Can also translate as 'Focus mode' as one example.">Mou Zen</string>
<string name="showPlayerRatings">Amosar les puntuaciones de los xugadores</string>
<string name="showFlairs">Amosar el to figurín</string>
<string name="explainShowPlayerRatings">Esto despinta\'l ELO en Lichess, pa ayudar a concentrate solo nel xuegu. Los xuegos por puntos van siguir afectando los tos ELO, esta opción ye solo pa lo que tu ves na plataforma.</string>
<string name="displayBoardResizeHandle">Amosar el control de tamañu del tableru</string>
<string name="onlyOnInitialPosition">Namás en posición inicial</string>
<string name="inGameOnly">Solu mientres la partida</string>
<string name="exceptInGame">Escepto nel xuegu</string>
<string name="chessClock">Reló d\'axedez</string>
<string name="tenthsOfSeconds">Décimes de segundu</string>
<string name="whenTimeRemainingLessThanTenSeconds" comment="The &amp;lt; symbol becomes &quot;&lt;&quot; (less than symbol).&#10;It is not required in your translation; you can write it as a word for example. Just do NOT use &lt; in its place, or your translation will have to be removed.&#10;&#10;Technical information: &lt; is a reserved character in HTML, which is why it cannot be used.">Cuando queden menos de 10 segundos</string>
<string name="horizontalGreenProgressBars">Barres de progresu horizontales verdes</string>
<string name="soundWhenTimeGetsCritical">Alerta cuando quede pocu tiempu</string>
<string name="giveMoreTime">Dar más tiempu</string>
<string name="gameBehavior" comment="gameBehavior&#10;&#10;In the user settings page, &quot;Game behavior&quot; is the title of the tab for configuring how the player can interact with the game.">Comportamientu del xuegu</string>
<string name="howDoYouMovePieces">¿Cómo quies mover les pieces?</string>
<string name="clickTwoSquares">Faciendo clic na pieza y depués na casiella de destín</string>
<string name="dragPiece">Arrastrando la pieza hasta\'l casiella de destín</string>
<string name="bothClicksAndDrag">O cualquiera</string>
<string name="premovesPlayingDuringOpponentTurn">Movimientos antemanaos (programar xugaes mientres xuega l\'oponente)</string>
<string name="takebacksWithOpponentApproval">Desfacer xugada (con consentimientu del oponente)</string>
<string name="inCasualGamesOnly">Namás en partíes amistoses</string>
<string name="promoteToQueenAutomatically">Promover a la Reina automáticamente</string>
<string name="explainPromoteToQueenAutomatically">Mantén pulsiada la tecla &lt;ctrl&gt; al promocionar pa desactivar temporalmente la promoción automática</string>
<string name="whenPremoving">Con antemanaes</string>
<string name="claimDrawOnThreefoldRepetitionAutomatically">Reclamar tables por triple repetición</string>
<string name="whenTimeRemainingLessThanThirtySeconds" comment="The &amp;lt; symbol becomes &quot;&lt;&quot; (less than symbol).&#10;It is not required in your translation; you can write it as a word for example. Just do NOT use &lt; in its place, or your translation will have to be removed.&#10;&#10;Technical information: &lt; is a reserved character in HTML, which is why it cannot be used.">Cuando\'l tiempu restante sía de &lt; 30 segundos</string>
<string name="moveConfirmation">Confirmación de movimientu</string>
<string name="explainCanThenBeTemporarilyDisabled">Puede desactivase mientres una partida col menú del tableru</string>
<string name="inCorrespondenceGames">Partíes por correspondencia</string>
<string name="correspondenceAndUnlimited">Correspondencia y ensin llende de tiempu</string>
<string name="confirmResignationAndDrawOffers">Confirmar abandonu y ufiertes de tables</string>
<string name="castleByMovingTheKingTwoSquaresOrOntoTheRook">Métodu d\'enroque</string>
<string name="castleByMovingTwoSquares">Moviendo\'l rei dos casielles</string>
<string name="castleByMovingOntoTheRook">Moviendo\'l rei hasta la torre</string>
<string name="inputMovesWithTheKeyboard">Entrada de movimientos col tecláu</string>
<string name="inputMovesWithVoice">Realiza movimientos cola to voz</string>
<string name="snapArrowsToValidMoves" comment="snapArrowsToValidMoves&#10;&#10;The 'arrows' are for quick annotations you can do on the board, by holding right mouse button. With this setting enabled, it means the arrows will align themselves to places were pieces can move.">Xuntar fleches a movimientos válidos</string>
<string name="sayGgWpAfterLosingOrDrawing" comment="sayGgWpAfterLosingOrDrawing&#10;&#10;When enabled, this setting will automatically send 'Good game, well played' to your opponent if you are lose or draw the game. It's meant as a courtesy message.&#10;&#10;The message will be sent in ENGLISH.&#10;&#10;It is up to you how to deal with this. For example, you may want to put '(message will be sent in English)' in your translated text as one example. Or you can leave the actual English text and put a brief translation in your own language.">Dicir \"Good game, well played\" (Bona partida, bien xugada) al perder o empatar</string>
<string name="yourPreferencesHaveBeenSaved">Les tos preferencies guardáronse.</string>
<string name="scrollOnTheBoardToReplayMoves">Usa la rueda de desplazamientu sobro\'l tableru pa volver amosar los movimientos</string>
<string name="correspondenceEmailNotification">Notificación diaria per corréu listando les tos partíes per correspondencia</string>
<string name="notifyStreamStart">El presentador ta en vivu</string>
<string name="notifyInboxMsg">Nuevu mensaxe na bandexa d\'entrada</string>
<string name="notifyForumMention">Comentariu del foru que te menta</string>
<string name="notifyInvitedStudy">Invitación a un estudiu</string>
<string name="notifyGameEvent">Actualizaciones de partida per correspondencia</string>
<string name="notifyChallenge">Desafíos</string>
<string name="notifyTournamentSoon">El tornéu entama d\'arréu</string>
<string name="notifyTimeAlarm">Pocu tiempu restante na partida per correspondencia</string>
<string name="notifyBell">Notificación de campana dientro de Lichess</string>
<string name="notifyPush">Notificación de dispositivu cuando nun teas en Lichess</string>
<string name="notifyWeb">Restolador web</string>
<string name="notifyDevice">Dispositivu</string>
<string name="bellNotificationSound">Campana de notificación</string>
<string name="blindfold" comment="As in Blindfold chess">A ciegas</string>
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions translation/dest/puzzle/ast-ES.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,4 +13,7 @@
<string name="specialMoves">Movimientos especiales</string>
<string name="didYouLikeThisPuzzle">¿Te gustó esti exerciciu?</string>
<string name="voteToLoadNextOne">¡Vota pa pasar al siguiente!</string>
<string name="puzzleId">Exerciciu %s</string>
<string name="puzzleOfTheDay">Exerciciu del día</string>
<string name="dailyPuzzle">Exerciciu diariu</string>
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions translation/dest/site/NG.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="waiting">This is a TEST of Crowdin\'s language mapping (locale field) and the string will be removed within a few days.</string>

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