- Referencing NewebPay API Document to perform API calling and bundle it into a module
npm install newebpay
- Declare for the module globally
const { TradeModules } = require('newebpay');
- Initialize module
const trade = new TradeModules(
'your domain information <string>',
'your newebpay MerchantID <string>',
'your newebpay HashKey <string>',
'your newebpay HashIV <string>',
'newebpay PayGateWay <string>',
'your newebpay ClientBackURL <string>'
- Initialize module
const trade = new TradeModules();
- When you want to return tradeInfo then calling Newebpay Authorization
const tradeInfo = trade.getTradeInfo(
Amt: number,
DESC: string,
email: string
- Expecting
output example
"MerchantID": "your newebpay MerchantID <string>",
"TradeInfo": "aes256 encryption",
"TradeSha": "sha256 hashing",
"Version": "1.5",
"PayGateWay": "https://ccore.spgateway.com/MPG/mpg_gateway",
"MerchantOrderNo": "1581686501236"
- When you want Decrypt Newebpay Feedback Information
const tradeData = JSON.parse(trade.createMpgAesDecrypt(TradeInfo));
- Set the trade config
const trade = await tradeModules.setTrade({
URL: 'your domain information <string>',
MerchantID: 'your newebpay MerchantID <string>',
HashKey: 'your newebpay HashKey <string>',
HashIV: 'your newebpay HashIV <string>',
PayGateWay: 'newebpay PayGateWay <string>',
ClientBackURL: 'your newebpay ClientBackURL <string>',
- When you want to return tradeInfo then calling Newebpay Authorization
const tradeInfo = trade.getTradeInfo(
Amt: number,
DESC: string,
email: string
- Expecting
output example
"MerchantID": "your newebpay MerchantID <string>",
"TradeInfo": "aes256 encryption",
"TradeSha": "sha256 hashing",
"Version": "1.5",
"PayGateWay": "https://ccore.spgateway.com/MPG/mpg_gateway",
"MerchantOrderNo": "1581686501236"
- When you want Decrypt Newebpay Feedback Information
const tradeData = trade.createMpgAesDecrypt(TradeInfo);
- Expecting
output example
"MerchantID": "test1test1",
"RespondType": "JSON",
"TimeStamp": "1581755183872",
"Version": "1.5",
"MerchantOrderNo": "1581755183872",
"LoginType": "0",
"OrderComment": "OrderComment",
"Amt": "3700",
"ItemDesc": "1",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"ReturnURL": "http://localhost:3000/ReturnURL",
"NotifyURL": "http://localhost:3000/NotifyURL",
"ClientBackURL": "http://localhost:3000/ClientBackURL"
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