Source code for paper "Adversarial Learning on Heterogeneous Information Network (KDD2019)"
Python == 2.7.3
Tensorflow == 1.12.0
Numpy == 1.15.1
batch_size : The size of batch.
lambda_gen, lambda_dis : The regularization for generator and discriminator, respectively.
lr_gen, lr_dis : The learning rate for generator and discriminator, respectively.
n_epoch : The maximum training epoch.
sig : The variance of gaussian distribution in generator.
g_epoch, d_epoch: The number of generator and discriminator training per epoch.
n_sample : The size of sample
n_emb : The embedding size
data/: The training data
results/: The learned embeddings of generator ane discriminator.
code/: The source codes
pre_train/: The pre-trained node embeddings (Note: The dimension of pre-trained node embeddings should equal n_emb)
We provide three datasets: DBLP, Yelp and Aminer, The detailed description of the three datasets can refer to
- Each line: source_node target_node relation
The first line: node_num embedding_dim
Each line : node_id embdeeing_1 embedding_2, ...
The first line: node_num embedding_dim
Each line : node_id embdeeing_1 embedding_2, ...
cd code
author = {Binbin Hu, Yuan Fang and Chuan Shi.},
title = {Adversarial Learning on Heterogeneous Information Network},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
year = {2019},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {Anchorage, Alaska, USA},
year = {2019},
keywords = {Heterogeneous Information Network, Network Embedding, Generative Adversarial Network},